How do you know?

Discussion in 'General' started by jsx1313, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. Whats up GC, so i dont know if this has been posted. But How do you know when you are high?

    I know I am high when my eyes begin to feel weird.
  2. I know I'm high when I feel a calming effect in my head.
  3. I usually don't have an exact symptom that lets me know if I'm high, which was really bad when I first started smoking, 'cos I couldn't judge properly until I started talking like an idiot.

    I know I'm high for sure when my eyes are red, but that usually takes a good quarter of an hour to kick in, otherwise I can just tell by my mindstate.

    no seriously, that's my high-indicator.
  5. Goddamn lt dan and his crwazy legs
  6. usually I'll be in the middle of hitting a bong/bowl/whatever and I'll think in my head, "woahhhhhhhhhh Im highhhhhhhh :hello:"

    It's the same erry time (no erry isn't a spelling error and the clapping smiley is definitely part of it)

    another way I can tell is when I tend to over explain things....see :D
  7. I feel unreasonably lazy and I always have to state the fact that Im high, aloud for some reason, I dont knwo why. Im like, " pretty baked"
  8. I know I'm high when I feel high.
  9. I know im high when i smoke marijuana.

    That and when i start to look at everything like it was meant to be laughed at.

    Look its a sidewalk...PSHHH hahahahaha. Ya thats me being high.
  10. my stress goes away

    i haven't laughed at anything just because i was high since i was like 16
  11. same here

    I know when i'm high when I quit lighting the bowl because I start spacing off and thinking about whatever

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