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how do you justify smoking joints?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thezool, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. so i got an iolite vape recently. it uses about a 1/4 what i'd have to put in a joint and gets me just as high. if not more high. plus you don't smell afterwards.

    but sometimes i really love smoking a joint. i just feel so guilty for using so much bud. like i could've had 3 bowls in my iolite for what i used to get 1 reasonable sized joint.

    do you justify it or just blaze anyway?
  2. That's what glass is for
  3. I mean if its good quality you really dont need a fat joint. I got some bomb kush and only need to roll a pin needle joint to get lifted. So you dont use too much i think some people just enjoying the act of smoking a joint better.

    Everyone has their method they prefer.
  4. i always smoke with people and blunts and joints are easier than passing around my bong, plus everyone chips in money so its not that big of a deal since its not just my bud. When i smoke alone i always use my bowl or bong however because i don't use them when smoking with friends most of the time.
  5. Vaporizer highs just aren't the highs that I strive for. Joints get me loaded and I'll be able to smoke that with friends. I smoke king size raws all day...
  6. Most people don't understand vaporizers are the best.:)
    I suggest you ditch the iOlite and get a desktop vape.
    Then you'll be flying oh so high.
    Join the vaporizer club
    To smokers saying vapes don't get you high.
    Smoke doesn't get me high, it because you're not used to the high.
    if I were to smoke for a week I would begin to notice the effects more.
    and if you were to vape for a week you would never smoke again.
  7. I dont have to justify my actions because I Dont need anyone else to except my actions.

    Seems like an odd question if you ask me.

    Try to imagine that there are people in this world that cant afford a vape.

    Is that justifiable for you?
  8. I run into the same dilemma. I love my vape, but goddamn I love a joint too. Lately I've been rolling really skinny joints whenever I have the urge. They're just so convenient and enjoyable.
  9. Joints and blunts are basically a waste of weed. If you bought a gram that would be one blunt. You could use that gram to smoke 4 or 5 vape bowls and get high for like 12 hours.
  10. [quote name='"Dawq902"']Joints and blunts are basically a waste of weed. If you bought a gram that would be one blunt. You could use that gram to smoke 4 or 5 vape bowls and get high for like 12 hours.[/quote]

    Implying some people dont have money to blow...

    Ot: Vapes are fun but joints are more fun if you can afford em. I prefer a joint or two and then some vape hits to keep me going.
  11. Because it's just more awesome to hold it in your hand and smoke like a boss, getting high ain't just about reaching the high, plus rolling joints is an addictive hobby, you can try out all these techniques and shit, more fun to smoke, you can smoke a pure 1g joint for like 10-15 mins smoothly, it costs a lot but the process is worth it, maybe not too often cause money burns fast.
  12. Love my MFLB, but nothing can compare to a nice ziggity zag haha. :smoke: I just don't prefer the heady, empty body feeling I get from vaporizing all of the time. Vapes launch me, but smoking gets me stoned. Two different feelings, one will always prefer one to the other yo. Blunts up duders <3 :smoke:
  13. [quote name='"vkk"']Because it's just more awesome to hold it in your hand and smoke like a boss, getting high ain't just about reaching the high, plus rolling joints is an addictive hobby, you can try out all these techniques and shit, more fun to smoke, you can smoke a pure 1g joint for like 10-15 mins smoothly, it costs a lot but the process is worth it, maybe not too often cause money burns fast.[/quote]

    Hell yeah man, "paperwork" is half of the fun.
  14. every method is justifiable.

    who gives a fuck. just smoke man
  15. Personally joints are a waste of weed. For me a desktop vape gets me higher and last longer. I had a J a few days ago and was sober in an hour. The only reason I had a J was because I missed rolling so I understand people who like to roll. Extreme Q 4.0 > MFLB
    <3 both
  16. i don't mean justify as in "you're doing something wrong, why?" i was talking on a personal level when i'm like "i could've used that same amount of bud in a vape and it lasted longer"
  17. [quote name='"KiefSweat"']every method is justifiable.

    who gives a fuck. just smoke man[/quote]


    Honestly, how much do you think is being wasted by the blunt/joint burning while not being hit, .1-.2 MAX and thats pushing it.. if you are letting more burn then stop using the blunt as a microphone and hit the damn thing

    I've rolled a blunt and had it last up to an hour, 1 hour of puffing on a blunt and ppl still complaining about weed being wasted, seriously?
  18. You don't have to justify a thing.

    It's personal preference.

    Do what you want with your weed :)

    I know I do. And I'm sure everyone else does. Can't feel guilty for that, yo :smoke:
  19. i'd get a proper vape, like a volcano one if i could. but i live with my rents so the iolite is better because i can take it literally anywhere.

    i don't think i could ever just vape or just smoke joints or just use glass. i enjoy a selection. during the night i prefer joints but in the day i prefer vaping. depends on how much bud i have. but i still feel bad after a joint :smoke:
  20. I use to always smoke joints then I switched to a pipe for single hits then I started vapping and now I feel that's the only way to go.

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