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how do you get the best high? please read and reply

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by kingchronic**, May 30, 2009.

  1. ok, so... i was just seeing if any people knew any techniques to get a good hit and a better high. like i know how to take a hit that trips you out...

    1. take short, quick, rapid breaths for about 3o sec. or so.

    2. let out all your breath.

    3. take the biggest hit you can get(works best with a bong)

    4.hold it in for a good 40 sec. or more.

    5. right before you let it out. extend your arms very slowly like your yawning.

    6. then with your arms fully extended, slowly lay back while letting the smoke out.

    7. enjoy;)

    so yeah, if you have any more like that post them so other people can enjoy too.
  2. Strike out will fuck you up, torch a bong, hold the smoke in, take a shot, chug a beer, and exhale.
  3. kneel on the floor with your head down. Then, you take a specified number of tokes and stand up while breathing in. While still breathing in, put your hands behind your head and lean your head back like you are yawning. Lastly, flick your head forward and breathe out quickly. If you do it properly, you get an awesome head rush and quite stoned.
  4. To get the best high, use the best bud you can find. Use nice clean glass and make sure you are in a comfy spot with good friends. This will result in the best high.
  5. I get the highest when I take a big hit of some really high quality nug, hold it in for as long as possible, and then do some sort of vigorous exercise for a minute.

    Why do this?
    Quality nug = high percentage of THC per hit.
    Big hit = lots of THC.
    Holding it in = absorbing as much THC as possible.
    Exercise = get your blood moving and THC to your brain!
  6. Is this post fucking serious?
  7. Most of this stuff just makes you feel higher because of lack of oxygen, enjoy killing those brain cells
  8. I also get the highest when i smoke some real good nug right after my ice hockey games, like driving in the car back to my house.
  9. rofl or pass out instantly
  10. Yeah all of that stuff can make you lose brain cells I wouldn't do that.

    But I say bong hits of some good quality buddha consecutively would lift you up sufficiently. Maybe you guys were joking though. :rolleyes:
  11. To the OP, this is a joke right, holding a toke in for 40 seconds, max you should hold it in for is 7, all the THCs gone by then.

    Getting the best high just involves good company and lots of good weed, not doing headstands with a joint in each nostril and a bong down your throat.
  12. I have perfected my method over the years, tried every smoking device, and have come to a conclusion on how to get the most from your bud:


    I snap huge bowls, at least .2, cherry the bowl with some beeline, hold the hit for 5, and get fucked up.
  13. i fucking love beeline. they sell another kind at my store called I-Tal, same shit just a little thicker. 5 feet each, so it lasts a little longer.
  14. :laughing::laughing::laughing:
  15. Could not be truer, my friend.

    +rep for that. ;)
  16. Lol, from my expierence is to just get into a nice spot with your best buddy's have everyone in your circle to pitch and get a nice fat sack. And just continue around the circle, and chill. Thats your best high and what weed is all about.
  17. A nice bong will do the job but a vape consistently gets me much higher than smoking in general.
  18. Inhale. Exhale. Enjoy.
  19. I usually load up a bowl in the roor while pre-heating the Volcano. Rip the roor followed by a bag or two from the cano.. usually gets me mad lifted. If I've got some BHO, its a whole other story though :D
  20. Wrong!

    The THC in your lungs is absorbed in 3 seconds holding it in longer will just hurt you.

    Basically just smoke alot of your weed, good or bad it will do the trick.

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