How do you cope with a break up?

Discussion in 'General' started by goodvibess, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Exactly as the title says. (other than smoking)
  2. 1. Purchase hooker
    2. Cry while having sex with hooker
    3. Get angry and kill said hooker
    4. Dispose of body and clean up the crime scene
    5. Buy a candy bar
    6. Fuck a big fish ( like a boss)
    7. Sleep for 12 hours cringing at every siren you hear
    Boom, 7 simple steps to get over a breakup. Actually you can use these steps for just about everything
  3. The bar... Horny drunk bitches abound.
  4. It's tough man, try not to ponder it too much. Time will pass and you'll slowly forget about it. The best thing is find another girl(s) to think about.

  5. yeah i feel like thats all there really is to do. accept it and move on. and agreed with that last part

  6. ...Sounds like id be creating more stress for myself than i already have haha
  7. I'm going through a break up myself... And it honestly sucks :/ I find myself wanting that female companionship because I had gotten so used to staying in on cold rainy days(like it is now) and watching movies and cuddling. Plus the endless sex I was getting whenever I wanted was nothing to complain about.... But I broke up with her and it had to be done... Now I'm just rambling.
  8. time. time will help you get over it. give yourself things to do. read thinkgs youre interested in. listen to a lot of music. write. play vid games. drive. just let time pass.

  9. yeah man it blows

  10. yeah, most def the music and driving part. helps me relax a ton
  11. I stay busy. Spend time with friends. Go on dates. Write down my feelings. Cry when I feel like it. Work out. Find a new hobby. Take a class

  12. Ive been trying to keep busy! So far so good.:)
  13. Keep your positive thinking up! Meditate, clear your mind, go out and be in nature, take a hike.

    Just marinate inside your feelings, these feelings (thoughts) or any type of feelings that you have won't hurt you. What a relief right? Man, if they could we'd be fucked! Lol. Anyways...

    All I can say is, don't run away from it but don't let it get you; Stay at a nice distance from the problems you have, and talk to it gently.
  14. Last time, after breaking up with my ex of like 4 years

    Lol I'll admit I cried a bit at first. Then I was pissed at her, than angry at my self, then just sad. Then eventually I tried to move on and forget the past, but those fist 3 or 4 months after it happened were full of sleepless nights and a lot of self reflection.

    Eventually they just fade away, there's a really good Sam Roberts song with a lyric about this. "There's nothing more beautiful than a face as it fades away from your memory"

    Then you get a new broad and fuhgeddaboudit :smoke:

  15. Thanks for the advice Toxy, it all sounds so peaceful and relaxing i probably will! And Smurf, that is one of the best feeling in the world(forgetting about it). haha
  16. I somehow rent a know the rest ;D
    just fuckin with yaa..(maybe)..
    I mostly just let it out..if I'm sad I cry
    because holding it in just makes shit worse
    plus don't box yourself up..I locked myself
    away an only ended up regretting it.
  17. Cry. Cry. Ring ex. Text ex. Cry. Sleep. Cry. Drink. Smoke. Sleep. Cry. Drink. Ring ex. Sex with literally anyone you can find. Cry. Drink. Ring ex. Smoke. Sleep. Drink. Hard drugs. Hard drugs. Hard drugs. Smoke. Text ex. Cry. Sleep. Smoke. Shit television. Smoke. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.

    Day 1 done.
  18. I have sex with multiple local sluts and move on with my life.
  19. You said other than smoking but that's what got me through my last break up, that and fucking her friend. That's what I recommend.
  20. Chill with some new girls, get fucked up, have fun, and just relax smoke some weed while listening to good music, you'll feel way happier. It's best you just let it go, time heals all eventually.

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