How do you clone a plant?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by unrated, Jan 10, 2003.

  1. I have 3 ladies out of my group of 5. How do I clone them to take the guess work out of my next batch?


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  2. Up close view of what makes a female :)

    Not too bad for an ALL flouro, plus my first grow huh?

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  3. I would say you need allittle more light my friend. your buds dont have any density to them. they will be smokeable but... you are going to have to deal with very light yeild and potency will not be very strong unless you can pump the light up. Im not dissing your plants or anything just some constructive advice. :)

    I know this because how long your plants internodal growth is. You will be able to harvest some from what you got but if you could add a small HPS even 70 watt -150 watt you will be much happier in the end. If you are totally against HPS then at least add more floros.

    Other then that they are looking good and you will have fun smokin um!
  4. Well, I don't know what part of the world you live in, but when my last grow came to harvest time, I was bitterly disappointed at the TINY amount I harvested from my three girls. Ready? Only 1/2oz dry....and that's TOTAL. Although I'm using the fluoros again (I have a 400wHPS for when winter comes - yes I am in the southern hemisphere) but for now I supplement my artificial light with as much sunlight as I can give them.

    If it is possible for you to get your girls outside at least for a couple of hours a day in the bright sun, your yield with increae greatly.

    A friend of mine experimented with this and kept a 'control' group of plants under artifical only for the whole grow, while he gave the 'test' group at least 3-4 hours sunlight a day. It made a difference of 1/4oz per plant.

    And a helpful hint for your next fluoro grow...TOP your plants. It'll stop them from getting so tall and spaced out (the nodes, that is, not the grower LOL).

    Good luck.
  5. there are some dissadvantiges by putting your plants outdoor and then back in all the time, sometimes insects can get on your plant and then you take it indoors, but the animal that would eat the pest is kept outside, however if you live in a country that doesn't have many little weed eating buggers then you could do it no problem!.....Peace out...Sid
  6. I should've thought of that. I do live in a country where there are considerable amounts of bugs etc. I find that spraying the plants once a week with a pyrethrum aphid-spray kills pretty much all the pests that might try to hitch a ride on the plants.
    I also treat my grow space weekly just in case a couple escaped and are hiding in there!
    Pyretrum insecticide is practically harmless to humans, you can even eat treated fruits/vegetables 24hrs after treatment.

    Also, keep an eye out of nosy neighbours!

    Good luck

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