How do people get raided

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by Caligreen530, Aug 4, 2019.

  1. I’m in Cali and I keep hearing about people getting raided what can I do to ovoid it

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  2. ensure you keep you birth certificate or passport close a stash of cash is good

    maybe some climbing experience is required these days too

    good luck
    • Funny Funny x 3
  3. Stop breathing and that might not even work
  4. Move to Texas....( LOL, sorry...Couldn't resist)
  5. Heres how. Check these guys music out they explain how it goes.
    Completely state legal all paperwork included grow was raided a week before harvest

    Its not a war on drugs its a war on us

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  6. First thing you can do is educate yourself on prop 215 ,64, and ordinance 925 if youre in Riverside county.

    These people can not operate outside of their law so if you know it you can protect yourself.

    Basically you dont want the big mans attention like those 1000 plus plant grow ops have. Theres no reason to get raided if your growing inside your private residence. If you have a landlord it would help to have their written consent.
    If you plan to grow outside.. read up
    • Winner Winner x 2
  7. I have my License to grow ……..
    But the laws are changing every two years , sometimes I am not sure if I will be legal or not ..
    I call the police and talk with the police chief he gives me the run down if there are changes that concerns me ..
    Yes I would like to fly under the radar but I have the old lady down the street that rats everyone out all the time ..
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  8. maybe you need to recruit the old lady you fear?

    I did years back it pays big dividends

    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I would rather deal with the police then with my X
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. This is an old trope from years ago. My family lived in Mendocino county from 1907 until 2007, and we still own land up there. I have a piddly little five acre plot, and share a 300+ acre plot with a bunch of relatives.

    In 2014 at the time of that Mendo Dope raid, there was a limit to canopy size in Mendocino county. (It's what my brother and his business partner got busted for, btw They had the legal number of plants and all their paperwork, but the canopy was bigger than the legal limit.)

    If you look at the laws governing growing cannabis in Mendocino county now, they have more to do with limiting light pollution (because it affects other growers) and making sure you aren't polluting or diverting water sources. Seriously, the county is now geared for commercial growing, and has been since recreational weed was legalized in California. The Mendo Dope raid happened years before that.

    That said, CAMP is still out there busting people growing on federal land, and commercial grows without paperwork. If you live in Mendo, just mind your p's and q's and keep your paperwork in order. Don't give the bastards a reason to fuck with you.
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  11. No smell, no tell, no sell
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  12. Don't brag about your grow and control the stink.

    Don't steal power either.

    If commercial, follow the rules.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Loose lips sink ships
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  14. “How do People Get Raided?”

    This is an Advanced Growing Technique?

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