How do i set up a c02 system

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by smokenchoke420, May 20, 2011.

  1. I want introduce co2 into my grow room. Suggestions?
  2. Lots of variables. Room size, budget, number of plants, how many watts/type of lighting.

    Show some pics of your op and we can help you out better.

    Do you know if you want to go with a generator or a tank?
  3. I'm not sure what kind of system I want. Never done it b4

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  4. Judging by your space in the pictures an Exhale bag or 2 would suit you just fine. Propane, Natural Gas, and compressed co2 are all costly and are an option for professional gardeners with a larger room.

    - Exhale bags contain mycelia that produce co2 through their natural processes.
    ExHale CO2 Bags

    -Excello Fizz from supernatural are convenient pucks you can use also to produce co2.
    Excellofizz CO2 Pucks

    -Also baking soda and vinegar create co2 when added together. Harnessed correctly could provide a co2 source

    Keep the method of co2 generation at a higher elevation than your plants so the heavier co2 gas rains down evenly upon your plants. Although, I have no experience with ExcelloFizz, I sell quite a bit of exhale bags to customers at the hydro shop I work at.

    Most methods of co2 generation are quite expensive to maintain often creating unsavory byproducts like heat when using a co2 generator with either propane or natural gas.

    Co2 tanks are expensive, and need to be replaced often. Quite heavy, and not fun to carry to swap for a refill.
  5. Ferment alcohol while growing, the main by-product of the fermentation is CO2.
  6. ^^^All correct. For the $$ and your small grow space you could just use the pucks or a simple fermenting style source.

    As a devils advocate, I also should say that Co2 tanks aren't really any work if you have a regulator on them. For your space you could get a 5 or 10 pound tank for under $50, but the regulators are about $100. I completely agree with the above posts, for the money and how little you will need I would just get one of the puck or liquid generators which you can either get at a hydro shop, build yourself, or pickup off ebay for pretty cheap.
  7. Thanks everyone

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