reverse osmosis!!!!!! Or go buy distilled water from the grocery store Here is a reverse osmosis system to check out and has more info!....
I got one just added to much of one thang an it was just 150 ppm hifher then it should an needed to truble shoot
You never mentioned any issuesl just that you had PPM in the 900's. If you were not having issues, then your PPM was not too high. It is great to see you wanting a PPM of 800. Very nice for soil, but kind of low for hydro. I run 800-1000 PPM in Veg after the 1sr 3-4 weeks, Then1200-1500 in Bloom. The most important thing to remember is: As your plant gets larger; It will uptake more nutrients and require a stronger ssolution. In flower; You can stay at around the same solution PPM strength until you start to have mature buds forming all over the plant. This is when you may wbat to add a couple 100 PPM to your solution. Peace
Thank u kindly an im running soil just have a 20gal reservoir an wasnt planing on dumping it due to it took like 2days to fill with the ro an I new id get sum help on GC from ppl who kno ther shit should I be pumping my soil with more an also my ph meter took a shit an was wrondring if my ppms balance my ph so I dnt have to spend 80$ on a ph meter
Sorry. I am afraid that you need a PH meter. IN the future. Make accurate measurements as to how much acid you are adding to your solution, then if pen breaks, you can mix it close without a meter for a while. As for your res. One of the posters above had it spot on. Just add water to bring PPM down when you feel it is too strong. Never any need to waste water of nutrients. OK. As far as PH; The proper PH for soil is 6.5. And a small pievce of advice. Make a seperate reservoir of plain RO water PH to 6.5 Use this every other watering in order to allow the plant to uptake stored nutrients. This will help you stay away from nutrient issues. If you add anything to the R O water, use only CalMag+ as an additive.