How do i get rid of all the heat??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ericnam1016, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. I've been researching on indoor growing for a while now and I am planning on setting up a grow closet (an actual closet, not one of those grow boxes). However im worried my closet will become too hot as there are no AC in the room. Also, I live in Cali and the temperature is easily above 80 on a normal day (without any grow lights that is).

    So I was wondering if a cool tube and a couple fans sufficient enough to get rid of heat or is there a better way? I ordered PPP strain seeds and i plan on using 4 100W CFL lights for vege and 400W HPS for flowering. I am not so worried about the vege stage as ive read that CFL lights dont produce as much heat; or am i misinformed? As for the flowering stage, i really need to find a good way to get rid of all the heat. In addition, I will not be able to dig any holes in the close, so that pretty much leaves exhaust systems out of the question. Please give me some useful advice!!! I WANT TO GROW ASAP!!! Ive been doin too much research for too long and still havent found any valuable information for my problem yet.

    Oh and two more quick questions, should i mix my own soil or buy one of those branded soil packages? And, what kind of fertilizer should i use and how much should i use???

  2. If you really worried about heat, you can use cfl's throughout your entire grow, lots of people here do that with great results. You just have to buy both bright white bulbs and soft white. Put a few fans in there and leave the door open or open it a few times a day to let fresh air in. As for soil, lots of people like to make there own or fox farm seems to be a very good brand. if you want to make some, look around for some different soil mixes. good luck man.
  3. Summertime buddy probably gunna need an A/C. Keep your lights on at night for flowering. You can run your fans through your house instead of from outside if it's still too hot at night.

    I was able to keep my 400 cool this summer by just venting air through my house into the room and then pulling the hot air away from my light and outside with another fan.
  4. i was almost COOKING my plants once because of the ungodly heat of where im at..
    I would suggest checking this out cuz the info really helped me:

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