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how do i get resin out of my glass spoon?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by EKKO, May 3, 2011.

  1. my spoon as caked with resin. what is the best method of extracting it so i can smoke it? also, post your experiences with resin. did you or did you not get high?
  2. you have got to be in middle school. Not here, buddy.
  3. paperclip and a pice of paper... bend the paperclips tip in half with pliers so the the place the resin gets stuck on is larger

    l l
    l l
    Like dat
  4. I wonder if you can soak it in ISO alcohol and then let the alcohol evaporate from the leftover sludge?
  5. Just what that guy said about the paper clip.

    If its really hard to get off the glass, try hitting it through the bowl/carb to warm it up so the resin comes off easier.

    You can get high off of resin, its a little different than with weed, but still pretty similar.

    A lot of people on here will bitch about you smoking resin, but if you want to get high dont let them get to you. Smoking one bowl of resin will not kill you like some people on here seem to think..
  6. I do it like this with a paper clip


    With the tip bent at a 90 degree angle. That way it scrapes it well. And less will stick to the paper clip and more will fall out. If you do it the other guys way, way too much will stick to the paper clip which equals less to smoke

    Attached Files:

  7. #7 SplitGenetics, May 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    for real... but anyway, just use a paper clip bent at an angle like the other guy said. Thats what I do but just use ya head a little, lol youll figure it out
  8. You realize how nasty resin is right? fucking gross, didnt smoke it for years, one day get really high and was like whats the hype on resin?!? because i knew people that liked it for some reason and i took a bong rip, coughed my ass off, and my lungs hurt for 2 days. fuck resin.
  9. I only smoke resin when I'm out of bud, it's really just for desperate times.
  10. get off my thread and stop your bitchin.

    thanks :wave:
  11. #11 SplitGenetics, May 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    100 % agreed
  12. thanks for the paperclip idea guys! guess im getting high after all tonight :)

  13. If anyone's in middle school it's you, wtf are you talking about?

  14. ya just like what he said, but scrape all over the inside in all directions then turn it with the mouth part facing the bottom and keep slappin the top like a bitch is suckin yo dick
  15. lol i've become a master at that, i just scrap scrape scrape with the paper clip, and then beat the top of the pipe with my hand and let it all just fall out the carb hole, sometimes ya gotta give the carb hole a little poke because the resin ball is too big to fit thru the hole :)

    i always just save save save my resin, sticks, stems, trimmings.. all goes into qwiso later.. and THAT will fuck you up..
  16. up around the top, inside of the pipe is where the prime resin is too, like around the top, where it cones in for the bowl.. right in there, scrape that spot and you'll get some nice gooey resin balls
  17. if its glass get iso and salt, put iso and salt in spoon close of all openings and jerk the fuck out it
  18. With my small spoon I just get a paper clip and ISO, or if you want to get better, there are small toothbrushes for braces to get between the teeth. Works well but sometimes just a tad too short.

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