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how do i flush?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Dennisg34, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. I know this is a rAndom noob question. But i found out my soil was about 7-8 on the PH scale, and wanted to flush it out to bring it down to normal since I'm kinda suffering from a PH problem on my girl
  2. I run a little water at a time to fully saturate the soil, and then run 1x-2x the volume of the pot worth of water through afterwards to flush the entire pot.
  3. [quote name='"1sttimegrower"']I run a little water at a time to fully saturate the soil, and then run 1x-2x the volume of the pot worth of water through afterwards to flush the entire pot.[/quote]

    But I'm like confused, like i think i have a ten gallon pot, so do i just put it in the shower and run 20 gallons through it? Cause obv the water pan at the bottom will overflow
  4. The water pan below will overflow - you can't hold back a "flood" Bring it outside, or throw it in the shower.

    You do not just run 20 gallons through; water seeks the path of least resistance and will flow down the sides and out the bottom. This will remove some salt crust, but NOT flush your soil. I don't KNOW how slowly to water, I do it by feel. If your soil is crusty, start by just letting tiny streams of water hit the top and work its way into the soil - never add more water to standing water. Just start small and work your way up; if your dirt is slightly moist you can just rough up the top portion and run water through @ a half cup every minute or so.

    The SLOWER you water with less amounts, the better saturated your soil will become.

    It is then that you flush with the 20 gallons, in the shower or outside.
  5. The water pan below will overflow - you can't hold back a "flood" Bring it outside, or throw it in the shower.

    You do not just run 20 gallons through; water seeks the path of least resistance and will flow down the sides and out the bottom. This will remove some salt crust, but NOT flush your soil. I don't KNOW how slowly to water, I do it by feel. If your soil is crusty, start by just letting tiny streams of water hit the top and work its way into the soil - never add more water to standing water. Just start small and work your way up; if your dirt is slightly moist you can just rough up the top portion and run water through @ a half cup every minute or so.

    The SLOWER you water with less amounts, the better saturated your soil will become.

    It is then that you flush with the 20 gallons, in the shower or outside.
  6. [quote name='"1sttimegrower"']The water pan below will overflow - you can't hold back a "flood" Bring it outside, or throw it in the shower.

    You do not just run 20 gallons through; water seeks the path of least resistance and will flow down the sides and out the bottom. This will remove some salt crust, but NOT flush your soil. I don't KNOW how slowly to water, I do it by feel. If your soil is crusty, start by just letting tiny streams of water hit the top and work its way into the soil - never add more water to standing water. Just start small and work your way up; if your dirt is slightly moist you can just rough up the top portion and run water through @ a half cup every minute or so.

    The SLOWER you water with less amounts, the better saturated your soil will become.

    It is then that you flush with the 20 gallons, in the shower or outside.[/quote]

    Ok, thank you for your input and assistance! I will flush tomorrow!

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