How do I clean my bubbler?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Schu1tzy, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I purchased a bubbler with some of my Christmas money. Now, I really like using it and it hits me hard, but it is such a bitch to cash a bowl and clean it when you're done using it. Is there any special techniques to cleaning it out? I just feel like it is a really nasty piece. Here is a pic of it.

  2. As far as ashing itI just use the thin part of a pen cap and kind of scrape the ash out then blow the tiny bit that is left out.

    If you mean cleaning it dump the water out, put it in a ziplock, pour in rubbing alcohol, pour in a little salt, and shake that shit.
  3. get some sort of pokey device. like a paper clip, pen etc.
  4. I'm a bubbler fanatic. I love my bubblers, and my bubblers love me.
    I try to clean my pieces every few uses, because the old resin/smoke flavor is pretty gross.
    Change the water every use, no exceptions. At the very least, dump it out and rinse it with water.
    If it's already somewhat clean, pour in some rubbing alcohol through the bowl (If your stem is clogged with dense ash or unburned bud, just use an incense stick or something as a ramrod to clear it). I usually put in about the same amount of alcohol as I would water. Then cover the bowl, carb and mouthpiece with your fingers (You'll have to have a strange grip on it, for most bubblers. Works better than the plastic bag method, though.) and shake it like crazy for a minute or two.

    If you have built up resin, or if you've just gone a while without cleaning it (Shame on you!), do the same thing, but add salt. This can be tricky, but I have it down to a science. I usually fill my bowl halfway with salt, then pour rubbing alcohol on top. The rubbing alcohol usually lets the salt flow in. If not, use your incense stick as a poker to get that salt in there. Overall you should have about 1/2 tbsp - 1 tbsp of salt in there, along with the rubbing alcohol (Again, same amount of rubbing alcohol as you'd usually fill the bubbler with water).
    Once that's in there, shake!
    Filling it through the bowl will usually take the built up bowl/stem resin with it. If not, just take a q-tip and finish it up.

    After it's nice and clean, just rinse it out with clean water and enjoy.

    My tastebuds are sensitive, I can taste even the smallest little bit of resin :-/

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