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How do i ask my neighbor to sell me bud?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by medicinaltoker, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Ok, it's winter break and its been a real dry spell for me when it comes to getting bud. Originally, I was just going to wait it out until school and take a t-break, but my depression is starting to come back like a bitch right now. Well, I heard my neighbors saying that they always smell our other neighbor's daughter and her girlfriend toking up. I was wondering if it wouldn't look sketchy if I just went over there and asked to buy some tomorrow. I know it seems simple, but I don't even know this girl let alone if she even has any weed. Another thing is I have really bad social anxiety that has also been bothering me this break from toking :/. So, do y'all think it is worth it to cough up the nerves and go over there and ask or should I just wait for a whole nother week? Also, do y'all have any tips ?
  2. go their right now and ask
  3. if you act like you know they slang bud they arent going to help you out.
    thats just sketchy...

    your best bet is to bring it up like, "you know where i can find some good at..."
    or, "my guy is out of town you think you could help me find some?"
  4. i'd go ahead and ask.
    i want to ask my neighbors, but my girlfriend insists i don't. hahah.
    go ahead be nice, just be like hey, i'm your neighbor. i noticed you like to smoke weed, i like to smoke weed.
    would you buy chance have any weed that you could hook me up with. i'd be down to match.
    idk. something like that. lol
  5. Go over when they're toking and ask if you can join. :laughing:
  6. Just make sure they know you're a toker and not some undercover cop or something.
  7. Lol guys I know it sounds simple but wouldn't y'all find it weird if your neighbor you've never met before just came to your house asking for weed ? And weed is very unusual in my neighborhood..
  8. If the chicks are hot, might as well try.
  9. well, the situation isn't gonna get easier. so what do you suggest?
    man up OP. closed mouths don't get fed. :cool:
  10. op you could always just strike up a conversation when they are outside and befriend them then buy bud
  11. knock on his door and ask. thats what happened to me
  12. Stand in your backyard pretending to rip a bong until you make eye contact with her. Then point at your bong and do the puff motion.
  13. yeah, then proceed to go over there with an empty bowl. :rolleyes:
  14. Say you just cashed your last bowl but you have cash to throw.
  15. I would try to meet him first before asking but to buy bud.. Try to get some bud and smoke a joint with him and take it from there.
  16. spark up a conversation
  17. /thread. hahahah.
  18. don't ask them to sell you some, just ask if they know where you can get some.
  19. Bingo. As a toker I'd be much more interested to help someone if they wanted to chill with me rather than if they walked up and asked to buy.
  20. What i would do is wait till they are out there toking, and then maybe spark one up too :) and then casualy ask from your backyard hahahah :smoke:

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