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How do i approach this?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CountGlockula, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. Basically I went in 40 and another friend 20 for an eight which I ended up not getting to smoke (due to getting sick for 3-4 days). I told my friend to hang onto the bud for me because I had to run home - ended getting sick and staying there. Today I learned they smoked all of it with out me...
    so i text him wanting to know where it is and get the reply "in my lungs why?"
    haven't replied.
    How do I go about confronting my friends about this?

    I think I might just not throw in for bud for a while till it works itself out.
  2. yea, tell him that what he did wasnt ok and dont pitch in for weed for a while and dont let him smoke your bud either. maybe also ask for a refund? hope things work out for you bro :)
  3. Easy tell them give me my share of the bud or my money back...that's it!
  4. alright just said "cause I threw in 40 and didn't get to smoke it"
  5. If they're your friends then you shouldn't need help from us.

    Get your 40 bucks back and don't let potheads hold onto your bud.
  6. everything's cool, he let me know that he forgot (haha high-ass) and will get money today and smoke me up :hello:

    appreciate it, gc
  7. i mean i would have beat the all shit out of him but hey your better then me smh
  8. :devious:
  9. "So I'm going to get my 40 dollars back, right?"
  10. you should just buy your own shouldnt relie on other people with your stuff, just learn from this experience.pretty lame they just smoked it on you...i would have been pissed....dont they know stoner rules 101?never smoke another stoners weed!

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