How do dealers get away with dealing?

Discussion in 'General' started by new buddy, Oct 14, 2009.

  1. I've read a post on here in which the poster said he had the same dealer for over a decade. I just got to thinking there are so many ways to get caught these days how do dealers not get caught? Almost every dealer I know has gotten caught at some point.
  2. they just dont get caught
  3. /threadclose??? lmao
  4. What dealers ;)
  5. what do they do to not get caught though? I mean most people I know who have been smoking for 10 years have gotten caught with just simple possession. It's hard to imagine how someone could deal for 10 years with cops not getting involved.

  6. you know, the ones you buy your weed from ;)
  7. Keep it on the down low, I suppose.

    Don't flaunt the fact that you are what you are, and keep it to close personal relationships, and I don't see why it can't work out.
  8. Many dealers don't get away with dealing.. They are either caught and arrested, or threatened.... Some dealers don't learn their lesson the first time and keep dealing, perhaps that is what happened to your friends dealer.. Many I know get threatened by police, and stop.. Your friends dealer just probably has ballz.:eek:
  9. Sums it up!
  10. snitches get stitches ;)
  11. They quit before they are caught ;)
  12. By not posting on forums asking for tips on how not to get caught.
  13. 75% of the dealers i know are dumb as shit and are messed up for the better part of the day. either they get too lazy to continue and quit or they try to keep going and just get caught in a dumb way. i got caught once like that. if your just disciplined and smart about it its not hard.
  14. it's not very hard if you exclusively work with trustworthy people ONLY.

    i've been going to one of my guys for 5+ years

  15. I'm not a dealer or thinking about dealing. I'd rather not get caught. But i was just wondering how they get away with it like this guy above me who's had the same dealer for over 5 years
  16. Then take his advice.
  17. Damn I couldn't imagine dealing for a decade. Dealing for six months seems like a few years hahaha.

    Most likely they're just lucky. Or not fuck ups. A good junk of getting caught involves getting pulled over for traffic violations. Who knows.. lots of times no one even knows how or why they got caught it just kinda happens.

  18. Dealers get lazy. As a man working behind a desk all day for 20 years probably will not work as hard as he once did. Some dealers, after a few months of dealing, forget about the police because they have never had a run in with one. They do their deals around the public and they don't worry as much about keeping a good hiding spot in their cars.

    Now, you need to realize that dealers that have been slinging for over 10 years and have never been caught obviously know what they're doing. And they do have a large amount of weed they can smoke, but as a dealer myself, I try and not smoke more than a few times a week. Because if you're dealing baked, there's a lot that can go bad. You. Need. To be on your toes. Find a good place to hide your stash in your transport, have everything weighed out before the deal, and make the deal quick. No reason to stand around after someone might have seen you hand over street drugs. To a person that has never smoked weed, it looks naughty
  19. Well, the first thing most do is go straight to their city's municipal building and ask the police if it's alright.
  20. What makes you think dealers get away with dealing?? I would say more than half of my dealers have gotten arrested before.

    And the ones that dont get caught are extremely smart about it and aret stupid to who they sell to.

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