So I just moved to Boston and I brought some bud from back home. I am about to run out and I need to find someone who sells and I haven't been able to make friends yet because class havent started. I've seen some of my neighbors smoking on my stoop, and I even saw someone dealing by my supermarket, but I was to shy to approach them. Back home I was introduced to my dealer by a close friend and I never had a problem finding weed. But now, being a stranger to everything I do not know what to do. I guess what I am saying is... can you guys share your stories how you made your connections? I do not want to randomly approach people who smell like pot of the street but I can't come up with any other ideas... Any thoughts or suggestions?
If you know your neighbours smoke, you should ask them. The only way I've ever made connections is asking people I knew who smoked for their dealers. Once you get a steady dealer you'll be fine, just don't settle for any of the middle man shit. It might take a while to get a good dealer in a new place, but you'll find one eventually if you approach the right people
But srs, I know the feeling, usually concerts is the best place or raves or the ghetto. Or you could try being social with your stash and smoke out stoner's. But get to know them before you ask them if they wanna blaze.
Thanks Durb! I know I should ask my neighbors, the thing is I saw them smoking once and havent bumped into them ever again... same with the guys dealing. I do plan on asking them though, but I was looking for other suggestions. What are your thoughts on Craiglists?
i've honestly gone through one guy for the longest time. every now and then someone else will try to sell me shit but they cant match the quality and beat the price.
First connect I got I txt this kid I knew from highschool cuz I always saw weed pics on his facebook.. I was desperate and it was total sketch.. he was some white douchie kid in a "gang" that consisted of 3 guys lol. It was cool at first.. I went to his house and they gave me some alcohol and they were chill but I could tell those kids wanted me in they're gang and I'm not about that. Eventually they started asking me to pick up weed for them and I did ONCE and that was all it took for me to say fuck them.. even asked me to pick up a gun for them from a buddy and shit.. to sketchy man.. to sketchy. That ONE time I picked up from them it was this 25yo black dude that was pretty chill and I guess they had been getting they're supply from him and it was just some reg but dude was an actual dealer and even told me the kids I was picking up for were just dumb kids and shit so I hit it off with him and he offered for me to go straight to him and he had the dro. But it was like an hour drivr and he always had me drive him somewhere and his "right up the road" was like a 30 min drive and I couldnt afford it so I dropped that dude. I started working at a sub shop and all my managers smoked.. one day my manager zach needed a ride home and I was the new dude lookin for friends and I could tell he was a stoner for sure so I offered and drove him back.. fuck I wish I could remember how the first time I smoked with him went but I can't.. all I know is I kept givin dude rides home cuz it wasn't far and eventually we started tokin it up together and I just let him know I couldn't find any so next time he picked up I threw down and then bam.. he became my dealer pretty much.. more of a friend and I just threw down $20 every now and then but Damn did he make me work for his dealers number! Lol I asked him one day for it and he straight up said no cuz I guess his dealer didn't trust people or whatever but I knew it was cuz he wanted me to buy through him so he got the extra weed cuz if u buy more at one time u get more.. but that was before we became good friends. We always bought half ounces and the occasional ounce if we had the money but one day zach didn't have his half and I offered to still buy a qaurter and give him a bit cuz I can't let my boy go dry.. he was down for that so he gave me dudes number to call him when I pulled up.. after that he had a kid so I always go pick it up now and sometimes he tags along but after the kid we stopped hanging as much and I just started going straight to the dealer. We would always go to his apartments and he would be walking around then jump in the car deal it and then bail.. but.. eventually he started tellin me to come to his apartment and then I read a GC thread and I was reading a lot of people are friends with they're dealers and it seems chill so one day when I picked a half ounce up I went inside his house and when he handed it to me I asked him Me: "yo man you doin anything?" Him: "not shit maaaaan" Me: "well fuck man me either u want me to smoke u out?" Him: *biggest fuckin smile I've ever seen out of this dude* Me: yeah man I've never smoked u out and I feel like everyone should smoke at least once with they're dealer" Him: "fuck yeah man! Cool man.. I was just about to smoke one." That dude was so stoked I swear I must have made his day Haha.. I dropped the half and he already had some grinded up, ready to roll a blunt.. he rolled it and we smoked while he made me fucking laugh my ass off so many times.. he's hilarious.. and when I didn't think I could get any more stoned he fuckin rolls ANOTHER blunt lol and they were packed. He's a bad ass dealer.. by far my favorite.. always makes sure its fair and even throws extra down sometimes. Idk why I felt the need to make the wall of txt but I just started thinkin about the old days lol. OP I suggest u find some friends to smoke with man.. like those neighbors.. just go over and introduce urself and try to make friends with them and just ask if they smoke.. tell em ur situation after u spend a day hanging out and see if they wouldn't mind picking up an extra $20 worth (start small) then make sure to smoke them out for the favor of getting u some. You could do that or u can go to the park and find just a group of dudes playing basketball or football or something and just join in and after u join in ask if anyones got some weed.. people get sketched out pretty easy so best thing to do right now is look for some friends like a group of basketball players at the park and just play some bball before u start asking for weed.. chill with the group and play a few games and then ask.
In high school I had a lot of girls in my pants. They would say let me in your pants and I'll smoke you out. This happened everyday of school for 3 years pretty much free for me But one day I lost my pants and had graduated high school. I'll forever miss you Pants...aka my first car