How did you get your jOb?

Discussion in 'General' started by skatealex2, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. #1 skatealex2, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2009
    :smoking: Since the summer, I have been searching around for jobs and I've come to the conclusion that the internet isn't the best idea- so I recently have applied to some local stores like barnes and nobles & bed bath and beyond............... obviously the economy is pretty shitty right now so that makes all this 5 times as hard.

    For everyone here with jobs- How did you end up landing in your position?

    Is it essential to give a follow up call a week after handing in your application?

    Any advice would be appreciated and I'm sure there are more people on here who are looking for jobs t00. It would be nice to buy dank by the ounce and save up money so i can get out of the house and buy loads of psychedelics :smoking::smoking:

  2. I got mine through my neuroscience professor. He put my name in, lady called me back, and said he had really given me a good recommendation, so once I had my degree I just called her back and she said "come in to work."

    I work in a mental health facility
  3. I got a job working for my college. Getting a job through your school is way easier IMO

  4. they're all out of jobs , which suCkS
  5. I tossed in my resume, thinking I would never be lucky enough to get it.

    Charmed my way through several intense interviews.

    Basically, just lucked out.

    That was before the economy was too bad though.
  6. I applied and got lucky nothing special or awesome about it just luck of the draw I guess
  7. Well my boss said he wasn't sure about hirin' me and then I got on my kneez beggin' him for the job tellin' him I'll do anythin', he then getz a smirk on his face and goes "Anythin'?"

    I gotta make money some how
  8. i work for the government
  9. Thats what got me my job, because if you dont, nothing makes you stand out or your application stand out. I think it is almost essential to do if you want the job. Good luck with getting the job
  10. Job fair.

    Hired pretty much on the spot.

    Got a couple of my other buddies jobs now also.
  11. Some people get there jobs thru mutual hook-ups, some just get picked out of thousands who applied,some get theres thru beggin, just keep at it and eventually you'll land one...because out of a thousand no's theres alwayz one yes!!
  12. Craigslist was my ticket, though I did try everything from Craigslist to other sites to driving around to stores, etc, I guess it's just right place, right time.

    Yeah, you really just need to do things that will make you stand out. Do you have a resume? Have you had anyone critique it? Also, be specific with things. Don't say "I managed people", say "I oversaw the operations of 11 employees." Anything you say that makes it sound like hiring you would ultimately increase productivity and decrease costs is a golden ticket nowadays.

    Also, what you do with your unemployment time can be critical, too. I've found people are much more enthusiastic about talking with you if you've been volunteering or something while unemployed, instead of the tried and true "I've just been looking for work." You know?

    Hey man, it took me a good 7 months before I could land something solid. Just stick with it, who knows, you might be going to work in 2 weeks and you don't even know it yet. The best of luck to you.
  13. #13 pmb6967, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009
    ^^ what do ya know, I'm the same way. Got my past two jobs off of the internet. This most recent one I don't even know what job board I applied to it on. If it means anything me and the above poster are both from minnesota so...

    I havn't had a problem interviewing for jobs. Confident as all get out and having a nice resume helps alot! Fuck I hate spelling alot as a lot.

    Social networking is hands down the best way to get a job. Haven't landed a job through it yet but some 50% of jobs are filled by social networking.
  14. I'm living on student loans right now (looking for a weekend job) but my last job I had was when I was still living in Michigan, which is a terrible state to try and find a job, even if it's a teenager trying to get a shitty mall job or something...50th worst unemployed state in the US, I filled out over 80 applications and for the job I got, I had called every day until the boss checked my app and set up an interview, and I just kicked ass from there...
  15. This is off topic, but I'm curious and I gotta ask. I dont have a problem with it but why do you put crazy pictures at the bottom of your posts?? :)
  16. i got my job by being persistent. i put in my app online and called the next day asking of they got it. they told me they weren't hiring anymore but they could release my app to the other stores so they did. i called the hiring store and they called me in for an interview. i got hired on the spot.
  17. Luck. I put in an application to an electrical company and was lucky enough to be called. Surprised the shit out of me, because I know NOTHING about electrical work, but shit, I gotta job.

    Only $8hr, but I've got insurance and paid vacation/sick. Kickass.
  18. I got my job by calling them up after I submitted my application online.

    I was so sick of being out of work that I decided to be done with all the bs and just start taking care of business. I called them up, she told me follow up on Monday, I did so, she gave me a quick over-the-phone interview and then scheduled a formal interview for me the next week.

    I arrived dressed very professionally and was given the job. However, I'm looking for another, higher-paying job because I'm not getting many hours.

    I was fucked over out of a warehouse position by BrandsmartUSA a couple weeks ago but I'm not complaining (best believe I was two weeks ago). I'm not going to give up until I'm satisfied with my income.
  19. Same here, but they called me a week after, buddy didn't even get hired. lol
  20. To expand your mind. for Fun. to get attention. For people that are high and/or tripping.

    Can't do this in real life most times. To make my posts more interesting.

    I am high when I post sometimes. Maybe I am just crazy .

    pick your answer


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