How Cool Is Your Boss?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by BudStrong, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. #1 BudStrong, Jun 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2014
    Less than three weeks ago I hit rock bottom-completely dankrupt and living in pain and stress from working long hours throughout the week. I had always used marijuana medicinally when living in a state where pot was legal, but here it is a completely different story. The cops treat pot as if it were methamphetamine, and users as if they were low life scum buckets full of shit and piss. 
    But, now I am just ranting.
    Only a couple of weeks ago, i arrived at work around 4 hours early, when my boss comes in and asks me how I'm doing. I answer honestly, and tell him I am in some pain. He looks at me and smiles, "I have just the thing." He pulls out his duffle bag and out comes a baggie full of cookies. He starts singing, "Everything is better with a bag of weed". I immediately knew that these weren't any ordinary cookies. I eat one and a half cookies and he does the same. We spend the majority of the day PLOWING through our work and cracking up in between customers. I have one of the coolest bosses on earth. He has only known me for a couple of months. I could have been a narc, however he recognized that the toker within him, was also within me. 
    Now, my boss sells me anything I want at a good price for the state that I live in.
    How many of you have awesome bosses as well?


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