How long have they been flowering? To me (no expert, first grow) your about a week or 2 off harvest. Keep an eye on pistels you want above 75%ish amber or cloudy. Best thing is magnifying glass above 30x max to get best view, but that's your best method. if we all had a smoke, we wouldn't need war
You have to keep an eye on your trichome coloration, however you generally want them to flower for 7-9 weeks
its trich colour not pistel although some pkants you can use both(white widow) but if you lesve trichs untill 75% are amber your gonna have couch locky not ver nice weed trichs want to be 20-30% amber and rest cloudy clear trich no thc cloudy trich thc is ready amber is cbn degraded thc which gives couch lock and sicky feeling
you want at least anothe 4 weeks you could well get a second growth of new pistels and by week 6 of flower she should bulk up and swell a bit
It's been a total of 12 weeks in 3 days so I was hoping they would be about ready but another 4 weeks seems like an awful long time for autos...This is my first grow so all new to me, but I appreciate the responses from everyone.
so they flowered at 6 weeks?? my mates go autos thst can flower for 14 weeks so not unheard of most autos flower at 3 weeks
well get a loup and see what colour your trichs are its the only way as pistels can go brown and another lot of flowers get produced. what lights and light cycle do.younhave them on dont cut just because ots been 12weeks if it takes longer it takes longer if then trich are not cloudy then you will have wastwd the last 12 weeks cause you coulnt wait 2-4 weeks more some times of you got a good cam. my s3 works fine zoom in trynto focus on the trichs as best you can and take a pic you van see them quite well but better under a loupe or microscope
They started flowering at about 7 or 8 weeks I believe. They are in sunshine mix #4 and on advanced nutrients 3 part mix under a 350 watt led and several 100 watt cfl lights. I am going to grab a loop soon and check out the trichs.
If I were you I'd take a little nug dry it smoke it three to five days later. If you like the high your ready to start chopping
Looks good man im currently running four 180w panels im in second week of lowering. check it out ill follow your posts please do the same we can trade pointers.