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how close to finish

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Dustin_az, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. My first plant that ive gotten to flower yet alone get close to harvest. So I have no idea when its done. This thing was brought back from the dead. The reservoir tank clogged while i was out of town and plant had no water for 24 hours. So how long does she have left? 20190622_112644.jpg 20190622_112644.jpg 20190622_112653.jpg 20190622_112702.jpg
  2. Hard to tell. All I see is a red plant. What are the flowering times of that strain and in what week of flower is she currently in? Or is it an auto? Close up clear pics in natural light would better help us help you.

  3. hey thanks for the response, its an auto. its either northern lights or critical 2.0. Its been flowering for maybe 3 weeks. thats one thing ive learned on first grow, keeping track of time. heres a pic idk if its much better

    Attached Files:

  4. Again, red plants, pink plants, all the same. If you can provide a clear close up of the trichs in natural light that would help. Otherwise, just check the trichs very close up with a jewelers loupe or something similar and compare the trichs to the ones in the chart below.


    Attached Files:

  6. Sorry man, but that first pic is not close enough and the second pic is too blurry. What are the flowering times of that strain and what week in flower is she in now?
  7. honestly not sure, I made a rookie mistake and mixed up the seeds. its either northern lights auto or critical 2.0 auto. I feel like its been flowing for 6 weeks


    Attached Files:

  8. honestly not sure, I made a rookie mistake and mixed up the seeds. its either northern lights auto or critical 2.0 auto. I feel like its been flowing for 6 weeks

  9. honestly not sure, I made a rookie mistake and mixed up the seeds. its either northern lights auto or critical 2.0 auto. I feel like its been flowing for 6 weeks

  10. Have you checked the trichs yourself with something like a jewelers loupe and compared them to the chart I posted above? Again, those pics don't really help.
  11. damn, ok. yes i have a loupe. They are 50/50 white and amber color now

  12. You said she's been flowering for 8 weeks, right? When you bought the beans, what did the description say concerning how many days from sprout? Don't get me wrong, I want to help, but if I don't have clear closeup pics of the trichs and some info on these auto strains and their flowering times, it'll be tough to say. They may be ready, but I ain't certain and I don't want you to harvest too soon (or too late) because of me lol.
  13. I got these off some dude on craigslist so im not to sure in specifics. They were in a bag with it written in marker. Definitely a little shady situation. let me work on a clear trich pic


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