How cannabis has helped me improve my life

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Tvayumat, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. I am a 23 year old white american male, married, veteran of the US Army. I have a high IQ, and have always valued wisdom and logic moreso than education, and education moreso than physical ability. Nature has granted me a good physique which I have mostly squandered with long days spent poring over books or researching whatever topic recently tickled my brain stem.

    This hunger for knowledge and (more importantly) time spent pondering and discussing what I have learned, unfortunately led to me developing a very strong ego, if I am being fair, I became downright arrogant about a number of topics.

    Over time my arrogance turned to a disgust for most of the people around me with the exception of very few close friends, but I found that I held elusive, slippery thoughts, the kind that you think briefly then pretend you never had, these thoughts were all negative, and about the people close to me. It seemed I could find something negative about everyone in my life. None of them were as good as I.

    This disgust slowly metamorphosed into a deep dislike (the word hate would be too strong) for not only people, but ideas, religion, politics, authority, even many philosophies. I realized that I was miserable, and found fault in everything in this world.

    I began smoking cannabis on a regular basis relatively recently, and have noted a distinct improvement in my life. I have come to realize that these small faults with people and ideas are not negative, but rather they are what make life beautiful. Where one thing is faulted or fractured, another supports it, creating an endless chain of people, plants, thoughts, feelings, and energies. When taken together, they are not flawed at all, but challenging and beautiful, creating an intricate web that makes reality and rationality possible.

    I have resolved to be a more positive person. It would be inappropriate to say that cannabis is solely responsible for this change, but it certainly lubricated the mental gears that led me to my current, far more contented state.

    I was a dick, now I'm a pretty cool guy, thanks in part to weed.
  2. That is beautiful man. I'm happy for you. Your on the right path in my opinion and I can relate heavily to how you where feeling.

  3. sounds like the start of a craigslist ad...

    haha jp, thats cool dude, weed has lightened me up a lot too, it totally mellowed me out, glad to hear it has helped you:smoking::smoking::smoking:
  4. Nice post. I can relate to this...
  5. Right on bro. I'm sure a lot of us on here can relate a little... I know I can.
  6. Nice man I'm happy for you :)
  7. I feel you, man.

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