how can you explain exsistance without god?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by windchime159, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. i would just like to know how on earth the universe could have came into exsistance without some form of higher power

    i think the big bang theroy is just plain idiotic. there was nothing but it somehow exsploded and everything was created :confused:

    so does anyone have any 'logical' alterntive non-theistic exsplantion?
  2. Well, first of all, you're using the popular "I can't explain it, so it must be GOD!" approach. So, I guess I'll just give one example of a possibility that is just as plausible as the God theory.

    This is just a very very elaborate dream, entirely constructed by your own mind. There is no god here, only your thoughts and what you subconsciously want the universe to be.

    Do I believe that? No. However, I feel that it's just as plausible as any other scenario.
  3. #3 Dryice, Jul 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2010

    Quantum mechanics allows for events such as the big bang to happen. In fact, there are several theories that suggest big bangs happen all the time, even creations of universes, however these universes split from it's mother universe and separate as fast as the speed of light [(some of have hypothesized faster than light as well) but that's quite a controversy in physics], and we wouldn't even know about it. The last examples are rather far-fetched ideas for most people.

    My main point is that the Big Bang is possible, if not extremely plausible. We know the big bang happened by something called the Cosmic Microwave Background. Something extremely hot such as the explosion of our universe would leave radiation. We can also measure how much radiation there is and get a good estimate of how old the universe actually is.

    ^ Excerpt from a Hawking lecture.
  4. #4 moose420, Jul 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2010
    I'm not sure you totally understand the whole idea of the big bang so i found this short description of exactly what scientists think happened (its a lot more in depth then this obviously):

    The Big Bang is the prevailing cosmological theory of the early development of the universe. Cosmologists use the term Big Bang to refer to the idea that the universe was originally extremely hot and dense at some finite time in the past and has since cooled by expanding to the present diluted state and continues to expand today. The theory is supported by the most comprehensive and accurate explanations from current scientific evidence and observation. According to the best available measurements as of 2010, the initial conditions occurred around 13.3 to 13.9 billion years ago.

    But honestly i just suggest typing in big bang on wikipedia or another site and just read about it and it will all begin to make more sense to you, atleast the more i read about it the more sense it makes to me, but i'm definately not good at trying to explain it to other people haha.
  5. to think that existence can be explained at all might be considered idiotic.
  6. ^ that is an excellent point haha
  7. Your argument goes like this:

    1. The universe is too complex to have just come from nothing.
    2. So God did it.

    However, any god who could make the universe must necessarily be even more complex, and therefore more improbable.
  8. [quote name='moose420']Cosmologists use the term Big Bang to refer to the idea that the universe was originally extremely hot and dense at some finite time in the past and has since cooled by expanding to the present diluted state and continues to expand today.QUOTE]

    my question is when or how did this hot and dense universe start or get created? it just seems to make more logical sense that there is 'somthing' of higher conciousness out there because in are exsistance nothing cant creat somthing , so how can there be anything?

  9. There wasn't "nothing" is the short answer.
  10. why do people need for there to be a reason. why can't we just be? i don't know why people need to really know what happens to us when we die. where they'll go in the after life. basing their whole lives on a belief of god and getting to heaven. it could be possible, we will never know until that day.
  11. Your argument goes like this:

    1. The universe is too complex to have just come from nothing.
    2. So God did it.

    However, any god who could make the universe must necessarily be even more complex, and therefore more improbable

    yes it may be more complex but the higher perception and understanding said being has could exsplain how things came to be , because with are understanding we will never be able know. so my point is it logicaly makes sense that god exsists [or aliens:confused:]
  12. there doesnt need to be , maybe i just enjoy the pursuit of knowledge?

  13. At the quantum scale, nothing doesn't exist. :eek:
  14. i seen mad shows on how aliens gave us the technology to build ancient structures. there's no way that those civilizations using the tools at that time could have done the pyramids and such.

    even in the pictures left... looking up towards the heavens and what looks to be alien like pictures.
  15. Enjoy the pursuit of knowledge all you want, but you're asking the same question humans have been asking since the beginning of time. It's illogical for you to INSIST that the universe came from a god (obviously not one of the Abrahamic gods), but it's not irrational for you to believe that it could have happened (agnosticism).

  16. Right..........but again, you're trying to explain away complexity by positing something even MORE complex. This is not logical.

    Baseless assumption.

    No, you don't have a point.

  17. i think it is logial because i see no way for exsistance to have started without a higher power.

    and it is not a baseless assumtion because we as of now do not know do we? if we were to figure it out it means are perception has evolved

    and yes i do and as do you , many ppl have similure beliefs to mine dismissing my ideas because they are different is immature and uncivil
  18. anything can be possible. we just evolved, possible. created by a higher being, possible.
  19. of course both are posible but which is more logical?
  20. how can there be nothing?

    and if there is a higher consciousness, where did it come from? another higher consciousness? where did that come from? thus, infinity.

    god is basically a synonym for something we can't understand.

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