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How can they do this?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by hendy, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. #1 hendy, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2009

    That's just one of them. How can they take all the good stuff out of marijuana and make it into a legal pill. Now I'm 100% keeping it illegal is for making money. Not that this topic is anything new, just thought id share. Although I do think that it is good they are using the plant for medical uses, I believe Mary is naturally beautiful.
  2. To quote 'Craig X' in "The Union" ...

    You know why they're trying to make marijuana into medecine? Because it IS medicine!
  3. I love to look at beautiful buds! I love the way they smell! I love to smoke it! :smoke:

    I hate taking pills! I hate the thought of taking marijuana from it's natural state and processing it! :devious:

    They always want to take a good thing and fuck with it! :mad:

    I have cut out prescription meds and use mj to help with my pain now. The last thing I want to do is take more pills! :(
  4. the same way they take willow tree bark, make it into pills, and sell it to you as aspirin.
    Money, baby. That's how! $$$$$
  5. Its a good thing for those who are truely in need of medical marijuana, but cant smoke for whatever reason that may be.

    But yes, i agree with BuzzLightOne, taking it away from its natural state and into a pill is terrible. But, if its to help and aid in the pain and suffering of dieing cancer patients, then is it really that bad?

  6. yeah that's what im saying, at first i was mad but you cant really be mad the fact some people can understand its true medicinal value.

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