How can I find sexes before flowering guerilla grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by snowywolfy, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. I am thinking I will have to, well I will germinate some rooibart seeds, btw I am in the uk and I will germinate them around now before spring really starts, so when they get out of seedling stage, they will flower then revert back to veg at a young age as I cant do this indoors, I have a greenhouse though, but I am thinking of using the climate to remove males as I do not want to put loads of work in to lose my bud to finding out I have a male, any better Ideas to find sexes guys, please?
  2. Why don't you buy feminised seed?

    Also, if your going to grow and you haven't even germinated your seeds and your already trying to find ways to take shortcuts so you don't have to work as hard, your attitude is going to let you down if you want big yields. Just put the effort in and you will see results.
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  3. Somewhere about the 7-8th node, preflowers will appear indicating the sex. You could also take a cutting when the plant is big enough and put the cutting into a 12/12 cycle to flower to indicate the sex of the mother donor.

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  4. I don't know that I've seen indicators that early node-wise, but the cutting and preflowering is a brilliant technique!

    In the end, fem seeds and their clones are the way to go. My outdoor grow this year will be my unsexed seeds but I always do fems in my closet.

    That being said, I've seen a couple techniques on sexing by seed shape. There are many naysayers to say that this is impossible. I have to at least prove it/fail it for myself because if it works that is god damn awesome!

    I'll be starting those seeds in a month. I will start a thread in beginners or outdoor growing to follow the process and publish the results.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
  5. You can try sexing by seed shape, but there is nothing about this technique with any science behind this theory. You cannot sex a plant from a seed, don't believe everything you see on youtube. This has been dis-proven countless times over. You have a 50/50 chance guessing right without using any bogus theory. Don't waste your time with this. If you believe this trash please send me the seeds culled by this method and I will post the buds grown from the culled, supposedly male seeds when ripe.

  6. Win-win. I won't ditch the "male" seeds of course. I'll start double the seeds I need as always using ones I've culled. I'll either have to ditch half the plants like normal or I'll have to ditch 0-10% in which case I'll know that it worked. I prefer to dis-prove things on my own. Can't hurt.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.

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