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How can I find out if my brother smokes(with subtlety)

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Luvs2splooj, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. My brother is 27 and im 19. I have been routinely smoking for about a year and a half and I dont know if my brother smokes at all. Im sure hes tried it a couple times, but if he isnt against it then Id like to invite him to smoke with me. Can you guys think of any subtle ways I can ask without just straight out asking?
  2. First of all, since you are both adults, I think you should be able to just ask him straight up. Smoking weed is not something to be ashamed of!
    However, I realize that doing something like that can be perceived as changing the nature of the relationship (just like asking you mom, "'s the sex life?" would). In addition, some siblings have to worry about their counterparts snitching to the parents (once again I would argue that you shouldn't be worrying about, but I know everyone's situation is different). That all being said, I can think of three ways that you could find out discreetly.
    1. (only applicable if you live with said brother or have easy access to his house) Check his house/room for tell-tale stoner items. These include the obvious, such as bags, a scale, a piece or a bong, and the more subtle such as visine, rezzed up paper clips, and suspicious looking apples. As a stoner yourself, I'm sure you are familiar with common marijuana paraphernalia and its usual hiding places (in addition you might check places such as under the couch and between cushions). Some would have second thoughts about spying on a sibling, but I believe the noble cause (i.e. uniting stoners worldwide!) outweighs the moral implications.
    2. Test your brother's reactions to obscure stoner terms. This is how you do it: kick back w/ a book in an area that your brother will be passing through (once again this is easier if you live with him). Each time your bro walks by, mutter a term that would only be known to stoners such as White Rhino or Spliff. If he does a double take, that means he smokes or at least used to with some regularity. If he asks you what you said, just say you were reading under your breath. Note: I tried this method in high school with one of my teachers that I thought did graffiti. Unfortunately the results were inconclusive:(
    3. Walk up to your bro with a bag (the danker the better: one must have good bait) and be like, "hey bro, one of my friends left this in my car/house, but I don't smoke, so do you want it?" If he says yes, then proceed with a grand session. If he doesn't that does not necessarily mean he doesn't blaze. He might be hiding his habit from you just as much as you from him, so once again judge his reaction. If he looks extremely conflicted, or has to squeeze back a few tears after declining, he's probably a fellow toker.

    Hope this helps man. Once again, you have no reason to be ashamed of smoking, so my true advice is to just be straightforward with him. Good Luck and peace!:hippie:
  3. Yo you bang with the herb bro??
  4. Just start talking about pot and you're going to have to be the one to fess up first that you smoke it. Then if he does too you'll know it, and if not you can try to lure him into smoking it!
  5. jsut ask him if he's got some papers lol
  6. "so i just ate these DANK ass chicken nuggets...."
  7. asking him straight up is the best way to go... the worst possible answer he's going to give to you as a brother will probably be nope not anymore if he's tried it before and then he'll probably tell you about his bad expierence with weed. Weed is not for everyone!
  8. Your his brother. You can ask him anything. Just say hey do you know anyone with good weed.. Or something like that. And see if he says yeah, or beats you up for smoking pot.
  9. the way i found out my brother moked is cus he foun my stuff and was wtf u smoke i was like yeah sigh thinking shit. and then he was like "ME TOO but not much" it was funny but i rly never smoke with him i feel awkward like he judges me cus i no he does. he thinks im an extreme pothead but im no.... ok maybe i am buuuut i dont really want him to know that
  10. I would devise a plan. :devious:

    Keep looking at your watch (discreetly) get ready at 4:19. At 4:20, say something like, "it's 4:20, I need to go the store". Or something like that. If he's a stoner he will pick up on it. :smoking:

    If not, no harm done. :)
  11. I have never thought of this but it sounds like a great idea because the more I thought about it...I'm pretty sure a couple people have tried this on me
  12. As much as I would encourage honesty, make sure you're brother doesn't wig out like mine does. I think it's rather unfortunate I'm dealt with a square for a brother, who's OK with drinking, thinks it "socially acceptable", but scrutnizes anyone that does "drugs". If you get to smoke with your brother, and he's a cool guy, I congratulate you.
  13. give him a cup to piss in

  14. +rep for making me laugh out loud, and giving me a great way to see if a couple of my cousins smoke. :hello:

  15. These are what i would do. Use "stoner terms" in regular everyday conversation and test his reaction. Looks like we got a lil science project goin on hurr.:smoke::smoke::smoke:
  16. "awww shit, my soda is kicked. wanna be a pal and re-up for me?"
  17. Your brothers, did you just meet or something? Get a relationship/friendship going & talk, hangout..... kinda sounds like you guys dont really know each other to well (10 years is a big gap but no big deal)

    Good Luck
  18. He's 27, he will have encountered people who smoke before, he will be mature enough to accept it in anyone (unless he's pathetic). He probably has tried it himself, and i'm sure some of his buddies do it.

    Just ask him.

  19. Why beat around the bush? Just ask him. He's your brother. What's the worst he's gonna do? Say No and judge you? Tell your folks? Pretty f*cked up (if he did). But I wouldn't go that far.

    He's 27? He was young once, I'm sure he's had his share of experimenting, if not maybe he's down for a sesh!
  20. i have always wondered if my bro smokes as well, and well until this past summer i dont think he knew i did at all. but i am always afraid he will tell our parents (he lives at home now).

    but i know he has smoked/sometimes smokes because during the summer when my parents went out of town, i came home from work and my bro just says "hey i smoked a bowl of your weed." lol caught me off gaurd...and it pissed me off at the same time because he didnt ask me!!! but he never partakes when i do (which is rarely ever at my parents house)...

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