Is it worse than ciggs? more cancer-causing .. or is it the same shit just not chopped up as finely? I ask this cause i threw in a lil in my blunt yesterday .. i grinded it up in my grinder with double the amount of nug to tobacco (so 2gs mj 1g tobacco so to say) get to work wait for a good time and me and a cook go out back.. as were blazin half way i get really tingly and heavy dizzy feeling and start shakin feelin really fucked up .. then we finish and im like damn i cant move i walk back in really slowly .. then i start workin again.. and i feell like SHIT .. i mean i used to smoke ciggs and i stopped cause i didnt like them nemore and when i take a puff of a cig i gag and almost throwup like shit.. but i dont mind the tobacco from the blunt ;\ so if its really bad for me (worse than a cig) id like to kno.. and dam was that a buzz kill funny shit tho i clock out on break at eight (30 min break for dinner) i finsh eatin early and was like fuck it im going to go clock in.. so i walk outfront and FORGET what the fuck im doin and just go into the bathroom forget to clcok in and go and start workin.. then 5 mins later im like FUCK i forgot to clock in.. so again i went back out front to clock in .. after i go though the 2 doors to get to the front i again forgot why i was there so i get a drink.. about 15 mins later this time im like FUCK ME and actully clock in.. damn i worked for free for lik e20 mins yesterday o well tho
omg that is gross I just think about ti like this, imagine grinding up the blunt(after its been gutted) and how much tobacco that is already. I love blunts but sometimes I think about that they weren't made to be inhaled like this.
its really not that bad.. it doesnt taste bad at all and i didnt use that much jsut a lil filling .. and i kno there not ment to be in haled but such a minute amount cant be too hazzordus .. can it? o well i wont do it i guess hehe .. i did get realy dizzy / sick feelin so ima jsut stick w/ striaght up weed [eace
Of course the tobacco is made to be inhaled into the lungs...some people choose to just take it into their mouth though...
I dunno, a gram of cigar tobacco is a fucking lot. Especially when there's only 2 grams of weed in it.