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How Are You Chosen To Be A Mod

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by njtoker59, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. I searched for this and couldn't find it. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum mods. But how does a user get chosen to be a mod or jr mod. I have only just really started using my account and want to learn everything in more detail (slang, rules, making my profile better, rep). But my question now is how do you become a mod. :smoking:
  2. Got to be a pretty long time member, respectable, around the site often....

    Usually i have seen Superjoint put of threads saying they need a mod or jr mod and people pm him and the person he sees best fit gets it...
  3. You must pick a rare purple flower in the valley of the Himalayas.
  4. You must be chosen by the Gods.
  5. when you can snatch the cricket from my hand young grasshoppa... -____-

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