How are they doing??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by CaNnAbIs-KiNg, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. 725A4B15-D6DF-4782-B75C-06235E76B139.jpeg 3E748DEF-60AB-492A-8AD4-79424FDDB6D5.jpeg BC23D3D5-4146-4962-9A61-7D0DD3CAE70F.jpeg 3A052687-0948-42D3-B9B8-EB91C8187BDC.jpeg 2C8CFE1A-AE37-4610-BADF-8137E769E9C4.jpeg EFEC6E43-7BB5-4F93-B810-911688E10921.jpeg 1E4613BF-4904-4618-89CB-F233302EB5C4.jpeg 06611224-86C6-4FF5-9C5B-0F65DF368E69.jpeg Cheese plant below 4DE4CA8F-216F-47EF-BAE7-C3374F67CC93.jpeg 2 months and 6 days from seed. That’s 67 days. They were inside for the first month which was my mistake. I just wanted to make sure they were strong enough before placing outside. I have 7 feminized plants. 5 special kush #1 and 2 cheese plants. When transplanting I forget to Mark one of the cheese plants so I’m hoping to tell soon. The lighter green plant is the cheese one. They’re are some big holes form bugs but I’ve did some maintenance by spraying them with neem oil.
  2. Lookin nice and healthy to me.....nice work

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