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hotbox like a mother fucker?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Barnaby Jones, May 18, 2010.

  1. Parents out of town for a few weeks. house to myself, and sum friends, and a quarter bag.

    ive never hotboxed before and im interested in trying. ive herd if you let the shower run till the room is steamy that it makes for a mad hot box. im wondering how many 1-gram joints would it take to fill this little bathroom with a bit of smoke. its a rather small bathroom. a shower and a toilet. if i were to lay down my feet and head would touch the walls, its small.
  2. My guess would be 3.5 minutes.
  3. Jamaican hotbox, mad fun. Turn on the faucet and shower all the way towards hot, and one joint should do it. It's kind of uncomfortable being in all that steam and smoke, but it's a fun way to get fuuuucked up haha
  4. Honestly, one joint would definitely get it boxy. But, just warning you, it's gonna get HOT. Be prepared for a sauna. Worse than a sauna, even! Just don't open the door until you're ready to ruin the box...
  5. Smoke all you got man!
  6. I think doin it in a car is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more fun so you could just do that in the garage and when your done open the car and garage and release that smoke!
  7. Lol just remove your towel before starting haha
  8. I think doin it in a car is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more fun so you could just do that in the garage and when your done open the car and garage and release that smoke!
  9. i thought it would take at least 3 joints. so i guess ill smoke one and see how i feel. ill prob do 2. thanks.
  10. take some bong hits man. hotbox it till your eyes bleed. lol no but for real smoke maybe 2 or 3. then just sit there. and maybe take a shower but only if your by yourself. i dont think your friedns will like it to much if you take a shower in the middle of a sesh. unless thier girls in witch case invite them for a dip.

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