Sup GC. Havent found a reliable dealer in my area for a little while but I just met a dude who seems pretty cool. Said he had a friend who deals pounds to alot of the dealers I know in the area (most of them are bitches) but he said he could hook me up. Maybe get me an ounce for $120 when its normally $200-$260 where I live. Only had $110. He got in his GF's car and left at 2pm and said he should be back in 20 mins and its almost 2:30. Not panicking or anything but I just realized its a little sketch giving someone 100+ and that someone happens to be a person you know almost nothing about plus hes moving out of the area for good in 4 days. Wish me luck
For future reference, when a guy tells you he knows someone who sells "pounds to the local dealers" He's most likely lying.
Would it be against the rules if If I called you a fucking retard. Man whats wrong with you , you where that desperate for weed? You definitely got ripped off. Youll be lucky if he brings you back a sack of oregano.
Highlighted all the red flags for you. When someone claims to be big time and sell to everyone it is often times total BS trying to sound good for the scam. If someone you have never met claims that he can get you that good of a deal it means the product is shit or he is trying to steal your money. You never let someone leave with your money, not without holding something of his at least. As for the last part, he really is moving away, which means he doesn't give a shit about scamming you because he'll be gone anyway, or he just said that so you think there's no chance of ever finding him.
I hope you learned something from this at least, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. A lot of "red flags" as they say but I think the biggest one should've come right before you were going to hand him the money. Just ask yourself, does this person have any reason to come back to me and complete their end of the deal after I hand over the money? Is there anyway I can find him if he does try to run? Here the answers are no and no. You didn't really know much information like address about him and he really had no reason to come back to you. Also why would a big time dealer possibly need to be fronted 120 dollars, if he doesn't have that much cash on hand there's no way he's big time. Sorry man, but it's a cold world and people will doublecross you
Never EVER front money unless you know the person well, know where the person lives, know the persons number, etc etc. No one you just met is gonna let you get that much weed that cheap. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I'm not saying your weed didn't get stolen, or playing devil's advocate, but keep in mind, in weed-deal time, 20 minutes is actually around an hour or more. If you're lucky. I might say it's hoping beyond hope, bro, but maybe he just got held up, or smoked out, or is waiting for homeboy to get back from the store. I have had it happen, been just as if not more pissed and panicked than you currently are, only to have everything work out totally okay and got a fat bag after worrying over nothing, just my 0.2gs. jah!/