yeah haha used to do it almost every day. i limited it to 1 to 2 times a week now because it's affecting my workouts. love quality shisha! starbuzz and al fahker
there can only be a few reasons you dont like it, that being, either the smoke was too harsh, you are against tobacco or you had a bad flavor
I like to smoke hookah its just too much work to fuck with so I just smoke when one of my friends load my hookah up haha
I keep a small shitty one to mix shisha with weed and a nice one just for tobacco. Love that hooka high that being said I only smoke hooka once a month or so lol
I've smoked hookah upwards of 40 times because I have friends who think it's awesome. I don't see the appeal. The "buzz" is pitiful. Hookah should be reserved for people who don't have access to marijuana or alcohol. A coffee buzz is better than a hookah buzz to me.
well nothing beats ole mary, but when u wanna just chill out with some friends or go out, i enjoy having a hookah but sometimes hookah bars they're a good way to meet friends and hot chicks
I think I'm too old for hookah bars haha. Every time without fail it's all teenagers. I guess it's something fun to do if you are too young to go to a bar but they aren't very appealing once you have other options.
i've smoked bud out of a hookah a few times. not worth me spending money on though because it takes too much bud. i don't like tobacco so i don't go to hookah bars either.
It's okay... Good for chillin with people to socialize. But I don't get any stimulation out of it so it's kind of pointless. Would rather smoke weed
I find that I like to smoke hookah more for the flavor and amount of smoke, than the buzz </blockquote> The reasons u just stated are exactly why most people partake in hookah. It's just that hookah is bad for ur health and the only thing u get in return is the flavor of the shisha. Not worthit taking into consideration the health aspects
try going to a restraunt that carries hookah, eat a nice meal & smoke some hookah </blockquote> Just the thought of that combination makes me gag. The last thing I want when I'm eating a nice meal is to inhale coal