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Honey dipped j's or blunts

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by RfLx_Wrecked, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. Love em'! I put some on my J every time, any other fans?
  2. I was staying at my step brother's house one night and these dudes came over with a blunt of what they called cali bud. It was covered in honey and it would barely hit. They took it apart and rolled another blunt but the first one was covered in so much honey it got all over the weed and made the second blunt shitty too. I'd rather just smoke a regular blunt unless it's dipped in lean.

  3. If you smoking newb blunts you smoking newb blunts. Easiest way to honey dip is not to dip at all. You dont want to drentch the weed, as it will not burn, nor do you want to get the paper so nast and stick its useless.

    step 1: Roll the J or blunt as usuall, no added effort here

    step 2: take honey or syrup, and put one to two small drops on finger tip

    step 3: evenly coat along the top 7/8ths of that j or blunt so its not stick on your fingers, you want the j or blunt to be somewhat moist, but not drenched, make sure the paper is well coated and almost see through. you wadon't want it to sag, make sure it can support itself.

    step 4: if you have time let dry in the freezer, usually takes a good 2 hours maybe more. If I don't want to wait I will CAREFULLY dry it with my lighter. Do this very slow as to not torch your J or blunt halfway through and ruin it, it will get hot fast!

    Then enjoy. It takes usually 2 or 3 times to get figure out the right amount of honey or syrup to use. The only reason I do this is to honestly slow the burn. I'd say my J's last about 30-40% longer, and that's exactly why I do this every time now.
  4. I don't think that would be healthy. Inhaling sugar fumes? Idk about that.
  5. damn i thought my crew was the only one to do this. we cover the wrap in the honey and it takes for ever to burn, you get so many more hits than normal. dippin the weed in lean is tight also, and it fucks you up a lot more. the honey makes the blunt taste so good also, but i have be wondering if smoking the honey is bad for you. i hope not because i love the taste of that honey, my girlfriend doesn't normally smoke but when i whip out the honey see joins in most of the time lol.
  6. I have never heard of this, ima gonna have to try this out.

    Is the J sticky once it's dried?
  7. Honey? Nah, I liked my blunts dipped in codeine.
  8. i put honey on my dutch leaf once... also used to put syrup on my blunts.... makes it burn mad long and gets u blowed
  9. ive been thinkin about tryin it but havent gotten around to it. i love honey too so idk why i havent. does it make it taste like honey?
  10. one of my buddies uses syrup for the same purpose. its like smoking a pancake.
  11. I can't say it tastes like some sweet snack, but you can definitely taste a hint of sweetness on your lips, and it does tend to smell a bit sweeter. Once dried it is a bit stickier, but not that bad. That's why I like to leave some finger room and then dry it.

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