Honey bear bong

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Thorin420, May 5, 2011.

  1. Haha I just broke my new roor bong and I have to wait a few weeks for my pay check until I can get a new one. So in the mean time I made this and it's really getting the job done nicely. And I get a kick out of how funny it looks.

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  2. commenter 1: zomg thats so cool how did you do that? milk!!!!!!

    commenter 2: you are aware that smoking out of plastic is bad for you, right? Idiot...

    commenter 3: who cares, he said he broke his roor so let him smoke out of the plastic, it's not like its going to kill him

    commenter 2 rebuttal: actually the fumes from the plastic and the carcinogenic cancer death aling cancer and death

    commenter 5: tits
  3. Commenter 1: I thought this was going to be one of the glass ones. I was excited.
  4. I could care less this is my life and I'm just trying to get high. Smoking all together is bad for you. Hot smoke in your lungs is never good at all
  5. #5 KGann, May 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Yeah... You keep smoking out of malleable plastics, we will keep hitting our glass. Let's see which one runs into health problems first.

    And did you break your "RooR" down stem too? And the bowl? Why aren't you using those pieces for your homemade bong?

    Never met a high end glass owner who simply settled on a cheap plastic remedy after their piece broke.
  6. its only for a short period till next check as the OP said. hes just sharing shit dont attack the man. i got high end pieces but say i didnt bring em or like when i went out of town i made a gatorade bong cuz i wasnt going to buy a bong on my trip to have it smashed in my luggage.
  7. who cares, he said he broke his ro-

    wait what post number am i?

    one, tw- okay

    actually the fumes from the plastic and the carcinogenic cancer death aling cancer and death

  8. It's also "couldn't care less", because saying you COULD care less implies that you do care.

    kill people burn shit fuck school
  9. #9 KGann, May 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Hey, never attacked him. Simply assessed points made in earlier posts, and added a thought of my own. My bad.
  10. i get that plastic is bad and i stay away from it but one time or even a week use of it wont kill you. we already smoke and if your not vaping when ANY plant is burned and combusts it gives of toxins
  11. #11 KGann, May 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Of course. I almost typed and cited some studies, but it would be futile. Everyone knows the facts. The worst I'm going to get from toking is an acute bronchial infection... I can't say the same about smoking out of plastics. (I simply don't have the facts, and the last thing the Internet needs is more nonsensical information spammed out across forums)

    Maybe make a longer down stem if you're gonna be on this for a while. The bowl just seems a little too close to the plastic for comfort.
  12. The roor broke into a bunch of tiny pieces. Don't worry I got my sister to give me her old bong so no more deadly plastic for me

  13. Nah man I wasn't hating on the plastic. I forget the artist, but they make glass versions of these, mainly for BHO and other oils. They are semi-rare and very expensive, so I was stoked thinking I was about to see one.
  14. A friend and I did that back in high school. We named it "Smokey".
  15. [​IMG]

    Kurt B Oil Rig if ya can find one to replace your RooR buy one haha.
  16. illadelph colab

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  17. That is one bad ass coil and probably brutal expensive I honestly wouldn't buy it inless I had major cash.

  18. That is what I thought too. I was imagining the one from kulture's site.

  19. Listening to Goblin right now... you heard it yet?

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