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Holy Shit!!!! This Is Fucking Scary, This Is Got Me Freaked Out

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by IluvRootBeer, Nov 26, 2002.

  1. Cannabis smoking by teenagers surges by 50 per cent
    By Dominic Hayes
    25 November 2002
    A growing number of teenagers are using cannabis, a survey showed yesterday.

    The proportion of 14- and 15-year-old boys who said they had tried the drug jumped from 19 per cent in 1999 to 29 per cent in 2001, according to the Schools Health Education Unit, an independent research group. Cannabis, which is being downgraded from a Class B to a Class C drug, was the only illegal drug not considered to be "always unsafe" by older children, the unit found. Reclassifying the drug will mean that being caught in possession by police will not automatically lead to arrest.

    Last week, three studies found frequent cannabis use among young people increased the risk of depression and schizophrenia in later life. One found that people who used cannabis by 15 were four times as likely to experience schizophrenia by 26. And scientists say that one cannabis cigarette contains the same amount of cancer-causing chemicals as five containing tobacco.

    SCARY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. it's talking about tars though, and those only account for 15% of lung cancer cases.. the rest are from radioactive shit they use to treat the tobacco plants

    that statistic is just so full of shit it makes me want to cry

    propoganda sucks a fat one
  3. nice one seven....

    u said alotta stuff i forget to mention..

    but also ... THC DESTROYS CANCER CELLS! and "they" knew this since the sixties.

    as for that whole skitzo thing... don't smoke it then! remember they aint saying everyone who smokes is at risk.

    and u might be able to tell that your head aint right... heck thats why over 6 of my ol' smokin buddies have since stopped... its no biggie... just that when its represented in a more formal tongue it seems more dangerous and scary. (especially if they lie and deliberately mislead)
  4. Did you know that the Chief Medical Officer in Great Britain once said that smoking tobacco was "good for you"....these are the kind of people who spread this propoganda....they'll allways tell you just what they are told by their government....Peace out...Sid
  5. totally.

    Never trust any experts until u know where they get thier funding from and what their motives are.
  6. I have smoked herb for over 30 years without turning into a schizoid freak or a veggie head. Moderation is the key as it is to most everythingum in life. I smoke 4-5 bowls every day and would smoke more if needed. When I was younger I smoked more and I also did many other types of drugs but herb, to me, IS NOT a drug. I would not advise anyone that had never smoked to start nor would I advise anyone that is smokin now to quit because of what some "article" in a science mag said. Even "a little" arsnic a day won't kill you immediately. Everyone is gonna die sometime and for me, when I see the Lord, I hope I've just smoked a bowl of Tai Stick:)
    Da"Light Um Up"Captn

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