Holy Shit, Crazy Sister

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by dank nugglets, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. Background: My family is on vacation (mom, dad, me, sister). Were staying in a condo in a large complex.

    Okay, so fast forward to last night. My sister (22 yrs old) and I are sharing a room with two beds. Bed time comes and we're getting ready to sleep. She's in the bathroom for 20 mins taking care of her stuff.

    I use the bathroom for 5 mins to wash my face, brush teeth, floss, take a piss.

    At this point, I'm extremely tired. She's still in the bathroom with the light on and she still has a her bedside lamp on. She says she's going to go read out in the living room.

    So, I say "I'm going to bed. I'm going to turn this lamp off" Mind you there's a light on in the hall next to the room so she definitely can see where she's going.

    As soon as a I turn the lamp off, she comes sprinting at me. Throwing a flurry of punches at me, while I just cover up my body. It becomes so bad that I have to push her off me.

    All the while, she's screaming at the top of her lungs. Now, mind you people in the complex can hear all this. I'm sitting in my bed and she tries to do it again.

    Luckily, my dad was able to remove her from the bedroom. And as this is happening, I can hear voices outside saying they're calling security, etc.

    So the next morning, she tries to blame the whole thing on me. I'm like wtf I just turned off a lamp, and you fucking attacked me! Twice.

    My parents are acting like this is largely my fault, and I'm at a loss for words. This stupid bitch had a complete meltdown and tried to assault me while screaming her head off.

    I wasn't even mad, I was more surprised/freaked out. I try to tell them she has horrible anger problems, but noooo. It's my fault, I shouldn't have "provoked her" by turning off the fucking lamp.

    And the worst thing is, she's 22 YEARS OLD. A SENIOR IN COLLEGE!!! WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT??

    By the way, I'm 20.

    So, the family vacation is pretty much ruined. Still 3 more days though. Turned my parents against me, while acting like a fucking bipolar bitch.

    I don't even know what to say or do....

    I feel really embarrassed even telling this story, but I have to get it off my chest.

    My sister acts completely normal during the day, and at night she turns into some psycho bitch. I don't know what to do. I don't know how she has a boyfriend.

    Cliffnotes: I turn off light, crazy bitch sister attacks me, tries to do it again, screams at top of her lungs. Whole condo complex can hear it. Blames incident on me the next morning.
  2. Did your parents see this? You'd think by the screaming it would be enough. That sounds unnerving and stupid, the entire situation. If that bitch came at me again I'd slug her.
  3. What a psycho. Too bad you're male if not I'd punch her in the face...COLD.
  4. No, they were in the other room. They sure as fuck heard it though.

    I did kinda give her a fore arm to get her off me. It wasn't very hard, but I needed to get the point across and get her off me.
  5. lmao...your right who really does that?

    has she done anything like this in the past?
  6. When we were little, maybe. She just has a huge temper problem.

    She always claims I'm "instigating" for some reason. Then she screams her head off and flies off the handle.

    I just want to finish this trip off right, and hopefully redeem myself a little bit to my parents.

    This is just sickening to me
  7. Lol video tape her next time she does this bullshit.
  8. Sounds like she needs some dick.
  9. So, your parents are in denial about your sister's mental health issues...
  10. Dank I think you could be the man for the job, nothing like some brotherly love to improve the sibling relationship :p. Seriously though try smoking her up.
  11. I have an older sister, and they'll walk all over you as long as you let them. Next time she does something like this, just say in your deepest most aggressive voice "Back the fuck off and quit acting like a fucking child!". Tell her you're not going to take her bullshit anymore and that if she lays another hand on you, she can expect to get pushed to the fucking ground.

    If she gets emotional at any point, just tell her she's not the only person in the world with problems, and to stop being such a selfish bitch.

    You can also talk to your parents in private about her. Tell them that she's always starting shit with you and the second your parents walk through the door she lies through her teeth to make you seem like the bad guy.
  12. #12 Cr0fter, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
    send her over haha,

    edit: if she ever pulled that shit on me id go ape shit crazy on her, id never hit a girl, id defiantly yell at her till my lungs collapsed
  13. ah shit lol, to freakish
  14. just smoke some weed..
  15. Quoted for troof.

    She's got some issues and your parents are ignoring/enabling her to persist in.

    Either put up with it and get the fuck away from the situation as soon as you can, or force your family to deal with it.

    My family is similarly fucked up. That's why I live 1200 miles away from them. 1 week a year with those crazy dysfunctional freaks is enough for me...
  16. haha, just picture a 20 year old and 22 yeard old doing this in a hotel. lmfao haha
  17. wow and i thought i had a crazy sister!!
  18. dont worry,
    this girl i havent talked to in 2 months pulled me aside today and told me she's pregnant,
    imagine being me.
  19. Yo reading that made me want to slap the shit ot of her.

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