HOLY SHIT! He blinked at me! So I had to backtrack and read about it DAMNIT! I was trying to out stair that bastard but he won I swear to god I saw him blink! I almost went crazy stairing at him wanting to see him blink again but he never would Does he blink like once only or ever like few minutes? I was stairing at the ugly bitch so long that I started to think it's really a chick wearing a wig and such, ewwwww
tryed having my little sister(6 years old) stair at it well I go make something to eat but she ran away
50 more and then I over take RMJL for the 12th highest poster spot......IM WEARIN YOU DOWN RMJL!.....YOU CAN POST BUT YOU CANT HIDE!!!!
i have quite a few posts..and i havent been here that long...hmm...do i have a life..i think not...weed is good
So, what if I'm 13? That's a damn good number for me. But, if you want to attempt the task of wearing me down, go for it. I love a challenge. Ready.........Set..............GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that just sounds bad...you...and the ice cream man..and wearin down......man..not a nice visual of the ice cream man 'wearin somebody down'
I probably woke everybody up laughing so damn hard, Norm!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ----yeah, the visual is kind of.....uh.....well......hmm........
haha, glad to know im spreadin some happines...and if you finish that statement with "somewhat exciting" we are NOT gonna do surveilance...at all.....
Exciting wasn't exactly what I was seeing. So, the surveillance is still on and the Ice Cream Man will be revealed for what or who he really is. (Damn, he's going to find out if we aren't more careful.)
damn..two more posts and i break 700..well..one more now.... (so...how are we gonna do this?!...where does he live by the way....AND WHY THE HELL DIDNT YOU IGNORE MY AV SENTENCE..THATS WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO SAY..NOW YOU HAVE DRAWN ALL THIS UNWANTED ATTENTION TO ME..I HATE ATTENTION).....(lets do this)
Survey me my minions of the millions of men in micro mini machines from the mend of all meanings improving my skin through melanoma and meeni mooney mornings
nooooo noooo...YOUR the one that killed the wee man..NOT ME!!....ALUMINUM FOIL IS FUCKING BAAD FOR YOU DAMNIT!!..