Holy fuck you have to see this shit

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by edibles, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. I honestly don't know what the fuck this is but it is fucking crazy. Check it out and if youre high prepare to have your mind blown like mine just was

  2. damn that music is fucking trippy the volume was at max
  3. this is very cool
  4. that was fucking insane!!! lmao, that had to take atleast 3 months and a few ounces of some dank to complete :smoke:
  5. lolz

  6. all that just to smash it. smh
  7. whaaaat

    took it to a whole....notha...level...
  8. that was most epic.
  9. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whytAReStUQ&feature=related]Slow Clap - YouTube[/ame]
  10. Impressive, but boring.
  11. awesome, pure greatness...
  12. #12 Swills, Mar 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2012
    Just awesome. I bet they're stoners, Cadbury eggs is a dead give away
  13. Yeah that would take awhile.
  14. That person should give Little Big Planet 2 a go.
  15. Ahhh Rube Goldberg machines :smoke:
  16. that was awsome. i like how he used cheap supplies to make it

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