Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy appreciation thread?

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by stonerish, Aug 8, 2009.

  1. i own "": a trilogy in five parts :D

    its the best most amazing book ever... i cant explain how much this book means to me... im about to read it for the 5th time, after having spent a year becoming a sandwhich(sp?lol) maker;)
  2. I have yet to read the book, I've got it thoough.

    I really enjoyed the movie.

  3. the book is 42 thousand times better... (i found 42 results on the serach bar when i searched the title of the book... and it blew my mind [none were relevant to my thread])
  4. BUMP for douglas ADAMS
  5. Great movie, I can't wait to read the book

  6. i should edit the title to include book.... i hated the movie:confused:, the book was too amazing
  7. I'm sure after I read the book I'll feel the same way. Movies never do the books they're based off of justice.
  8. this book is seriously THE SHIT!
    it's pretty freaking awesome, whoever didnt read it - do so, it's worth it.
    :hello: douglas adams :hello:
  9. thats pretty sick, it really is the answer... to everything.

    I like the movie, i love the book.

    I'm here to appreciate both. 32 times for the book, 10 for the movie
    (i think only people who saw the movie first enjoy the movie, it seems)
  10. #11 halcyone, Aug 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2009

    The movie is an hour and a half you will never get back. Read the book.

    "So long, and thanks for the fish."
  11. #12 Floydian, Aug 30, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
  12. Nah dude, I read the book series before I saw the movie. I still liked it and thought it was funny and a bit disappointing at the same time.

    But fuck yeah, cheers for Douglas Adams. R.I.P.
  13. i started reading the series over summer and i loved it. i thought hitchikers guide to the galaxy was easily the best one outta the series. i wasn't able to finish em though, got bout half way through the third one. so far that ones my least favorite. great books overall though, very fun to read.

  14. That's usually the case. I'll have to read it then because I didn't like the movie really.
  15. the entire series is amazing. :hello:
  16. Movie was AWESOME book was BETTER
  17. I read the entire series about once a year. And everytime I seem to find something new that I've missed before. Douglas Adams is one of the funniest, most intricate writers I've ever read. For everyone on here talking about the movie, the books will blow you mind.
  18. As usual the movie completely failed. The book was awesome, I love his sarcasm. You can note my love for the book by my displayed location :p
  19. I love this series. Douglas Adams is a mad genius.

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