Hit on my scooter by a car. Informed advice appreciated.

Discussion in 'General' started by Nameunknown, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. Well, to start off, I'll tell the story of what happened then a few questions I'm looking for advice on.

    About 2 and a half hours ago I was riding my scooter across town and was in an accident. I was coming up on a green light to pass through. There was a guy driving the opposite direction that was going to make a left on the street I was going through. Well, one car infront of him made a left before I got to the light. He stopped like he was waiting for me to pass so I continue on at about 30mph. He then stepped on it to turn, completely cutting me off. i tried to turn out of the way but couldn't in time, so i bounced off his bumper and rolled about 20 feet on my elbows and knees, banging them up pretty bad. I immediately jumped to my feet, cussed at the guy and warned him that he had better have insurance and that he's a fucking idiot, then pushed my mangled scooter from the road. other than my knees and elbows bleeding I felt fine at the time, so i told the cop i was fine. He sent an ambulance anyway that didnt even check me out really but put peroxide on and told me to wash the gravel and rocks out with soap and a rag when i got home.

    I'm still pretty pumped up on adrennaline when I get home and call to make the claim with his insurance. they first asked if i was okay, and i said yes, other than the skids, cuts and soon the be bruises. but now, about an hour later, i am barely able to bend my knees or elbows.

    So, finally for the questions to anyone who might have had a similar experience or knowledge on the subject. If i'm so messed up that i can't walk tomorrow and can't go to work, so I go to the doctor, will i be able to file a seperate claim for the bills. And will I have to pay the bill out of my pocket for the time being? Is it too late considering I told the ambulance and insurance company that I was okay. I know it's not unusual to feel the injuries well after the initial accident, so I'm hoping that will work in my favor. Any good advice would be appreciated, as at this time of night there's not many options to call right now.
  2. #2 1badbruce, Nov 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2012
    First thing you do is get examined by a doctor if for no other reason than proof of your injuries in court..
    Second thing is call a lawyer, if you choose too.
  3. say you fucked up your neck or something and get a massive settlement out of it. idiot drivers like that deserve to get their license revoked.
  4. don't yuh hate that when the adrenalin wears off? ohh, maybe I did hurt myself! lol

    good luck, I would think you shouldn't have any problems with his insurance paying for the doctor now. If there is any doubt call em and explain you are really feeling your injuries now and what course of action to take. If you go to the emergency room you will get billed later just a fyi..
  5. tip: don't drive a scooter.

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