Hilton Head Stoners

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by lucoya, May 12, 2013.

  1. Hey guys! I'm vacationing in Hilton Head, SC for a month on my own... brought some awesome bud down with me and I'm excited to get out to the beach.
    Just wondering if anyone knew any good spots in Hilton Head to go to whilst baked out? And if anyone is around here who would like to toke! Have my own place.
  2. Hey man I've been to Hilton Head before and I love it. If you get the munchies, you have to check out this place called Kenny B's. Its all southern cajun style cooking and its fucking amazing to eat while high.
  3. cant go wrong hanging out around colligny or just trying any of the bars around the island.  its a pretty fun and friendly place 

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