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Hillary trolls allegedly post child porn to close Facebook groups

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bluntzilla420, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. "Last week, Correct The Record (CTR), David Brock’s super PAC that coordinates with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, announced that it was spending $1m on social media in an effort to combat Bernie Sanders’ online dominance. How, specifically? By paying trolls.

    Last night, on the eve of five Democratic Primary elections—Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Maryland—we may have seen this paid army in action. Several notable Bernie Sanders Facebook groups were taken down following a coordinated cyber attack by Clinton supporters, in which a number of users reported content on the pages simultaneously. According to US Uncut, “Facebook’s automated systems take note of how many individuals report a particular post, and if the post is reported enough, it will be taken down. This same process applies to groups, pages, and individual user accounts.”

    The groups affected by the attack include (but are not limited to) the following:

    Bernie Sanders Activists (40,122 members)
    Bernie Sanders Is My Hero (60,097 members)
    Bernie or Bust (16,812 members)
    Bernie Sanders – Ideas Welcome (33,836 members)
    Bernie Sanders for President 2016 (117,601 members)
    Bernie Sanders Revolutionaries
    Bay Area for Bernie"

    Photo proof:


    Clinton's Internet Supporters, Allegedly Using Pornography, Shut Down Bernie Sanders' Largest Facebook Groups in Coordinated Attack
  2. Hillary doesn't come across to me as a person who can inspire passionate feelings in people.
  3. I hardly consider her supporters "people". I just can't wrap my head around how anyone could support her.
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  4. You're a strange cat...
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  5. Politics these days is getting weirder than ever, and increasingly personal. You have liberals cannibalizing each other on college campuses.. Donald Trump butt-fucking conservatives within the republican party.

    Things were so much simpler during World War 2. Hitler was the bad guy, America were the good guys.
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  6. Savage lol
  7. Thank you. That's the nicest thing someone has ever said to me on this website.

    And let's be honest, I don't like either Bernie or Hillary so I really don't care. Politics is dog eat dog. We all know this.
  8. People like to remember that we nuked Japan but forget that Japan was also a huge dick to neighboring countries in WWII.
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  9. The only problem i have with the hiroshima attacks was the fact that more civilians were killed than actual enemies.
  10. A lot of civilians were killed all over the world in WWII by both sides.
  11. If somebody breaks into your house and shoots your mother, would it be morally right for you to shoot the intruder's mother, in turn?
  12. No, but that's not how war works. War is messy, especially in a time where precision guided missiles weren't a thing yet. What is the different between a nuke and a regular bullet hitting civilians? An innocent death is an innocent death, no matter the means. I'm less concerned with the indiscriminate nukes used and more concerned with how the US treated Japanese-American citizens at home. Their rights were violated and they were forced into camps. They weren't as horrible as the Nazi death camps, but that's still no excuse for what America did to her own citizens.
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  13. Well, there you go. That's the problem with war - it is immoral by nature, due to the inevitability of civilian casualties and collateral damage.
  14. War is a necessary evil in the world.
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  15. Japan would have fought to the last woman and child if we tried to attack with a landing force. Hell, the Tokyo firebombings killed more than the nukes.

    Good bit on the Pacific war

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  16. It's not a necessary evil any more than traffic accidents and plane crashes. Sure, there will always be car crashes, but we can design safer roads, build safer cars, etc.

    Likewise, we can reduce war by providing outlets for our negative energy, establishing international trade agreements, increasing communication and education worldwide, access to resources, etc.
  17. I agree that we should be open to trade more. As Bastiat said, "When goods do not cross borders, soldiers will." People will always find an excuse for war. It's either due to land grabs, economics reasons like sanctions, etc. I don't believe people should be so quick to war, but sometimes war is the last resort, as it should be.
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  18. I don't know if it would have gotten Japan to surrender peacefully, probably not, but perhaps we could have asked them to send some of their top physics and weapons scientists to watch a demonstration of the atomic bomb, on a deserted island, and report back to their superiors what they witnessed.
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  19. The only reason there is war is because there are governments. Individuals do not go around starting massive Wars all over the world. Abolish this archaic and barbaric system of government.
    Well that's a huge load of shit.

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