Hilarious Screenshot (right pic this time)

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by Blutteufel, Jan 6, 2008.

  1. Most inaccurate username ever.

    Attached Files:

  2. haha, what an idiot
  3. why did they ban him? I mean its just a name...he didn't even get a post in..lol damn
  4. He decided it was necessary to repeatedly send me profoundly infantile hatemail in order to vainly attempt to prove some invalid point, which was that he was excellent at getting banned, since it was the second account in two days he had lost.
  5. Holy buckets you speak smart!

  6. Thou shall not tempt thy Mods...
  7. hahahahhaha:laughing:
  8. man, proxies are a sonofabitch sometimes...

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