
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by gravy, Feb 7, 2003.

  1. hey... im newer...... hope i can be a help and hope you can help me.....

  2. Welcome to the city. enjoy our home.
  3. I've seen you around so much that I thought you'd already done the intro thing.

    Welcome to the City, gravy!!!
  4. lol, I did too! :)

    when I saw the post, and your name, I thought, haha..stoned! maybe you are so stoned you dont even know you did introduce yourself before and we are right! :) lol well, whatever it is! welcome! (again?)! hehe..
  5. ...un....hi!
  6. we hope you stay awhile.

    toke toke pass. :)

  7. welcome home.....Peace out....Sid
  8. can see i already like it here.......

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