High there everyone [=

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Georgie Girl, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. Hello all. :wave: I'm quite familiar with this site and forum, found many a helpful hint/tip here in the past. Even though I don't spend much time blogging, I figured it was about time I got myself signed up here. A little about myself, to be friendly and all... I live in northern New England. Female, late teens. I've always been very good with plants, had plentiful vegetable, herb and flower gardens, and have moderate growing experience with ganja. A relatively seasoned smoker, for sure. I'm lucky enough to live in a state that allows for medical marijuana usage, which I presently take advantage of (I have legitimate reasons/afflictions). I think that's a reasonably good introduction. I'm happy to be in the city, hit me up sometime. :)
  2. Welcome, I'm knew here my self.
  3. hi there new here but not to the game how are you doing exp with outdoor or in?
    well chat l8er
  4. i'm familiar with both, but presently just doing indoor. i don't have a secure plot for outdoors, so that's where it stands.
  5. I can understand that I just had a panick attack in may and relocated myself as well but im duckin law here too been thinking more and more as i try to get everything rebuilt and stable why i didnt just go back to cali but hindsight and all that any way nice seein ya

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