high pressure sodium lighting FAQ

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by beastdude, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. I have one plant of low mids that is about an inch tall (already sprouted, only one "baby leaf" is still alive). It is currently on a 24/0 lighting cycle under a 20 watt aquarium fluorescent bulb. I want to change to a better, higher-powered bulb, such as high pressure sodium (HPS)
    - What wattage and size HPS bulb will i be needing? what flowering cycle for vegetative stage? where can i get one of these in a big city?

    I already have at my place a 60watt halogen and 100w halogen bulb that are not in use.
    - Are either of these bulbs ok for growing a single plant of low quality mids? Which one and how high should it be hung above the plant and on what flowering cycle?

    In 2 weeks, I will have about 10-15 baby shwag plants at the same growth stage that my mids plant is at now. At this point in time, my mids plant will have been moved to most likely a HPS or halogen light, and my baby plants will be several inches under the 20 watt aquarium fluorescent bulb. But, once they are ready to begin the true vegetative stage:
    - what light source should they be moved under for optimum growth?
  2. halogen cant be used. ganja cant see it. get a 250 hps if its all ur gonna useing for veg and floweres. schedule 18-6 for veg 12-12 flower. u figure u want to get about 100 watts per plant but a 250 to a 400 hps will handle u just fine if ur not gonna veg for a full time.

    next time please do ur own research its the only way to learn. ive read every grow book and studied every grow meth and phsycially experimented with them all. never ask questions just find anwsers they are on here just go throught the first 1000 posts in absoulte beginners, indoor growin and advanced. go on dr chronic and open up every strain and read about them this is what i did before i grew my first plant

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