High as fuck in the thetre waiting to see limitless

Discussion in 'General' started by XspankyX, Apr 2, 2011.

  1. Its awsome
  2. put you phone away when your in the theater. People that do that suck.
  3. It was phenomenal.
  4. im high as fuck in the living room with my parents.
  5. #6 XspankyX, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Movie wasnt goin yet hence i said waiting..
  6. Crazy move must see while high. I triped balls when they did some of the scenes where the guy in the movie was on drugs bc they used the effects and it made me feel that way even more bc i was high. Basicly just watch it
  7. I want to be limitless!
  8. That beginning will trip you out
  9. that movie looks like crap. almost always when i make that observation, when i watch it later i thank myself for not spending the 20-30 bucks on a trip to the theater.
  10. :eek::eek: it came out already wtf... have i been living under a fucking rock this whole time...

  11. forget me living under a rock... where the hell does movie tickets cost 20 to 30 bucks? :confused:
  12. depending on who you go with and what you buy (and when)... plus anymore anything i do outside my podunk little community requires an investment of at least ten dollars in gasoline
  13. #15 XspankyX, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    You sir need a pirus
  14. Arrr! :devious:
  15. watched this shit last night was awesome! hope you liked it man

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