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High all the time, bad for your heart?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ixBeachbumxi, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. #1 ixBeachbumxi, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2011
    Edit: The following lines of crazy shit isnt important to the original question. Ignore it. The main purpose for this thread,

    Does smoking daily cause bad heart health due to raised BPM?
    Think about it, your heart is constantly working.

    Edit Numero dos: Also for those who think this belongs in apprentice, yo mutha. Aight?

    Yo mutha.

    This is a question that regards to people who are thinkin long term, lifelong MJ+Me relationship. Forever till death do us part ya feel me?

    Edit numero tres: ^SO ya! belongs here...cause thats who posts here....ya. I think u get it..

    I notice when im high (as do my friends) that our hearts beat faster than normal and no matter how hard I try to relax it keeps hammerin away. Not noticeably, but if I think on it I realize just how much more its going. This is due to the fact (like most of you know) that marijuana causes an increase in your BPM (beats per min) which is why you can workout, run, and fuck longer when your high:p. Plus crazy reflexes, more creative, more focused..(gotta channel it right though).

    Fast pumping heart = More blood to muscles and brain = better results

    And right now, lying here on my bed like a lazy bastard (did just get back from the gym tho, so its good) I thought to myself "Ya know...the hearts job in life SUCKS. He's a boss, thats fa sho....but...he's constantly workin man. Even when im asleep he never gets to rest. Damn, I bet he gets warn out faster because of this shit.."

    So ya, the whole reason for this thread, the question. Wow...I sure know how to ramble..

    andyway, Does being high daily hurt your heart health in the long run? Because I have a grandfather, many uncles, and my dad who's not even related to them, with heart problems. My dad's wasnt bad. In fact it was when he was 30 something and it was a mini heart attack (pretty sure it was drug related idk, he was a badass back in his day now he's...well...a turtle hahahaha) (a good one tho. a good dumb turtle)

    Wow...time to take my hands off this keyboard.
  2. good eating habits and regular exercise= healthy heart (pre conditions aside)

    im no cardiologist but if it makes your heart work wouldtn it make it stronger?
  3. maybe im thinking too deep right now, but...the heart is a muscle so I see where your coming from. Yet it NEVER gets to rest and repair itself you know? When you hit the gym u tear your muscle and the gap gets filled in with new muscle. Thats it healing and getting stronger.

    But the heart gets no downtime man...just workin his ass off all damn day..
  4. Maybe it'll give your heart more exercise and it'll actually get healthier!
  5. sorryhaha
  6. 1st off, dont be so rude in your post.
    2nd. your thread actually technically belongs in apprentice tokers since that thread is for questions. though i do understand why you put it in here.

    now to answer, i dont think it would do to much damage. as long as you live and eat healthy, your heart should do just fine. smoking effects the lungs more long term than the heart
  7. I was under the impression that the heart rate increased because weed is a vasodialator, it expands the walls of the blood vessels, so the heart has to beat faster and harder to maintain your blood pressure properly.

    And no, it is not good for your heart to work harder.
  8. is there a doctor here! someone call a doctor!!

    um.. prob hurts ur heart someway
  9. who cares

  10. very very true, however when you do cardio workouts like running its very good for your heart!

  11. op, you could die tomorrow.
  12. #12 Lebowski, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2011
    OP- ive seen this question several times on GC.
    Nobody here really has the medical knowledge necessary to tell you really if its good or bad.

    And really, the line is probably very blurry.

    One could see it as exercise, but so many parts of your body are active during exercise compared to watching TV stoned, it really doesn't compare.

    One could see increased heart rate as something completely natural, and entirely manageable by the body itself.

    One could say any time you have increased heartrate you shorten your life.

    So really, nobody knows the answer to this extremely vague, multilateral question, minus a seasoned cardiologist who has studied increased heartrate without physical activity.

    People who like using the mass of neurons they have in their head.

    Thinking is great fun, you should try it out.
  13. I'm relatively healthy and in good shape... I am 6'2 and 175lbs if that matters.. anyway, ever since I started smoking like 2 years ago, I noticed that I get heart palpitations/flutters... they are very brief though, like a few seconds and then they go away. This happens at random times. Sometimes it doesn't happen for months, sometimes it will happen like once a week, etc. I'm not 100% sure if MJ had something to do with it though. Anyone else have/had this?

  14. I've had those occasionally, but it seemed to coincide with high caffeine intake rather than bud smoking.
  15. Hmmm I almost never drink coffee or energy drinks, in fact I haven't had a sip of caffeine in almost a year...
  16. i mean, i have a heart problem (SVT, supra ventricular tachycardia, in english, really fast random heart beats aka palpatations) and i only had a problem with my heart/smoking when i first started smoking because i wasnt used to the fast heart beats.
    But since i have started smoking regularly (at least once a day, almost always more than that) my hear has stopped having "episodes" from the SVT, have decreased, i still have them once or twice a year but no more, knock on wood.

    but its just me, every person, and every body is different.

  17. Cool, because studies have demonstrated that tachycardia (rapid heart beat) happens mostly to cannabis users with low tolerance, and in fact, once your tolerance goes up enough you actually experience slowed heartbeat when you smoke.
  18. I have actual information my best bud has high blood pressure and asked his doc once, weed should not harm it at all.
  19. Yea i noticed the same thing. But i kinda think/hope its caffeine or sugar too. Probably sugar because i think i have too much sugar in the foods i eat to be honest.

  20. apparently while your high your constantly prone to a heart attack
    check out this movie it's all about weed it's actuely pretty good BBC iPlayer - Search

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