high aliens

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Maitereya, Mar 29, 2006.

  1. so i was hanging with around 10-15 people. some were watching tv chatting, and there were others in a bedroom smoking down. so i remember i got a fat dank nugget and go smoke with the people in the bedroom. i sit down and theres like 3 pipes going around and a gravity bong being smoked. theres a 4 ft tall weed plant in on the side of the room that looks ready to be harvested.
    so we are all smokeing and my friend tells me hes an alien and hands me a book from the shelf and says this book explains it prety good. he says that they are water people that are like squid. so i look at him and he seems serious. i forget the books name. then a guitar starts playing a tune and i start singing indian chants, i didnt care if he was an alien or not.
  2. Ya ive met some water people before, their pretty chill.
  3. Uh..Lol..Is it me, or am i just ripped? haha
  4. "You have smoked yourself retarded." - Thurgood Jenkins
  5. what the hell are water people???

    sounds weird...and possibly madeup
  6. you guys are fucked up...water people?
  7. water people, people who live in water. my friend is an alien but he looks like a person.
  8. I might have met an alien once but it looked like a person so Im not sure, it could have been a cat too, I was pretty high.
  9. The I'llinukk Clan. Yea man. You've never heard of them?
  10. i actually almost felt like googling that..

  11. You probably did :smoking: :smoking:
  12. I am a water person as well; the man who first documented water people and wrote that book visited the Archipelago Dangeroux in the Indian Ocean, about 50 years ago, known to be the birthplace of water people. Although largely uninhabited by human species, water people actually have lived there undisturbed for thousands of years until the French colonized the main islands and claimed the chain circa 1840. This is the only historical water people colony in the world. Still to this day, Archipelago Dangeroux is mostly uninhabited due to its distant remoteness to other land masses and difficult means of getting there -- the only way is by boat. Most of the reef passes are extremely shallow (often dry at low tide) and closed off, so one must anchor outside the reef and then traverse the razor sharp reefs by foot until the lagoon is reached. The locals who live there make their living by harvesting some of the most pure and perfect black pearls in the world, which remain bountiful throughout the coral reefs and mussel farms. Recreational activities include surfing the perfect and plentiful waves as well as fishing and ceremonial conditioning.
    Being a water person myself, we are not aliens, just a different breed of human with different qualities and capabilities. its not too bad being on the surface but if i dont go back to the ocean for awhile then i get really depressed and experience something similar to S.A.D.S. disorder. I enjoy life here on the mainland, but one day I will return to my birthplace.
  13. Ya my water friend said the same thing. He wants to take me to Archipelago Dangeroux someday. You have to travel the reefs naked, you cant bring anything foreign into their land. I think thats why they havent been researched.
  14. I am a water person as well; the man who first documented water people and wrote that book visited the Archipelago Dangeroux in the Indian Ocean, about 50 years ago, known to be the birthplace of water people. Although largely uninhabited by human species, water people actually have lived there undisturbed for thousands of years until the French colonized the main islands and claimed the chain circa 1840. This is the only historical water people colony in the world. Still to this day, Archipelago Dangeroux is mostly uninhabited due to its distant remoteness to other land masses and difficult means of getting there -- the only way is by boat. Most of the reef passes are extremely shallow (often dry at low tide) and closed off, so one must anchor outside the reef and then traverse the razor sharp reefs by foot until the lagoon is reached. The locals who live there make their living by harvesting some of the most pure and perfect black pearls in the world, which remain bountiful throughout the coral reefs and mussel farms. Recreational activities include surfing the perfect and plentiful waves as well as fishing and ceremonial conditioning.
    Being a water person myself, we are not aliens, just a different breed of human with different qualities and capabilities. its not too bad being on the surface but if i dont go back to the ocean for awhile then i get really depressed and experience something similar to S.A.D.S. disorder. I enjoy life here on the mainland, but one day I will return to my birthplace.

    what the fuck! r u serious

  15. what the fuck are you on man that is freaking crazy how can you tell holy shit!!!

    (edit sorry i'm freaking out cause i think i just laced it up with some dro man!)
  16. you know you've smoked too much weed when....^^
  17. wierd.. i want to know if that guy is serious or not.. or if its just another april fools :smoking:
  18. I am a water person too. In fact i'm actually leaving on the 3rd to Archipelago Dangeroux in the Indian Ocean.
  19. duuuuude what the fuck are you guys on about ay????????

    im high as all fuck and this shit is TRIPPY as a muthafuka
  20. how do youse water people smoke cones under water?l

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