
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Jdog Grows, May 21, 2013.

  1. This x infinity.

  2. #22 Old School Smoker, Jun 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2013
    Understood. But how do we benefit from it? All we get out of hyroglyphics are a picture of a helicopter on a cave wall that neandrethals drew. That's all we understand. They drew pictures of animals, fire, the sun, and other humans. What do we get from that?
    Collective intelligence is why humanity has what it has now. The history of communication is pretty important.
    And sounds like you're hung up on the fact something they drew being related to something in modern history. Coincidences aren't uncommon you know ;)
    Like the poster above me said, collective intelligence (I think collective knowledge would also be appropriate). If it were true, which I don't think it is, we lack a tremendous amount of knowledge of some kind of higher power that helped mankind earlier in our history. It would be beneficial for us to know this because perhaps it would lead us to new discoveries that we can use to better our lives, for instance through new technologies.
  5. Ok, so I entered "why do we need to understand hieroglyphics" into google. Came back with a plethura of links on how to read and write them, but not on why we need to understand what is written or how we benefit from them.
    Is sheer curiosity not enough for you? IMO that's what sparks progress. No matter what you research, there is always the possibility that you'll find something new and unexpected that can help you in any number of ways. I do agree that with ancient history there is not much practical use, but you never know what you'll find.
  7. Yes, because you can't just google questions and expect to get answers, might wanna try "why is history important" instead, and the history of communication/written language would be helpful if you want to know the question you're asking
  8. What if for instance we find evidence that all of the stories in the bible are complete bullshit? It would have huge implications of the lives of many people.
  9. Ok maybe they left some messages for future generations. Something along the lines of: "we did this, and the result was this, so don't do that in the future"  Maybe they were fishing in a crocodile infested river and found out the hard way about those circumstances. Then they drew pictures to tell others to not go fishing in said river or you will get chewed.
  10. That's basically the point of written communication.
    On the level of future generations, I doubt they could predict what future generations have to warn them from. 

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