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Hiding your smoking habit - in depth

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thenilsmeister, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. My family is extremely against the usage of marijuana, and I have had to hid my habit for a long time now. I have also lived in other peoples houses (on exchange) so I have learned many methods and techniques to keep your smoking habit hidden from your guardians.

    Never give your parents or family any reason to believe that you may smoke marijuana. The topic of marijuana always comes up sometime at the dinner table or with parents. Lying isnt always the best thing to do, but with unreasonable people, unreasonable tactics are the only reasonable thing. If you are over 16 and they ask if you have tried it tell them you have once or twice and did not like it, or have never done it at all. Do not talk about it or mention it on facebook. Do not have pictures of you smoking or with people smoking on facebook. If you live in a small community do not talk about smoking pot in public, more shit gets back to your parents in small communities then you would believe. Also, do not completely avoid the subject because this can arouses suspicion. Just make sure your stance on marijuana is the same or similar to that of before you started smoking when communicating with your parents and family. If they ever confront you about being high act like they are being ludicrous and beginning to loose their mind. If you get red eyes just sniff your nose and act like you have bad allergies, usually you think you look higher then you actually do when you are high though. When you are high in public or with your family just act as normal as possible and dont be paranoid, it is usually pretty damn hard to tell when someone is high if you do not smoke weed yourself.

    KEEP YOUR SHIT HIDDEN. I cannot stress this enough. The majority of kids who get caught is a result of poor placement or laziness. Have one GOOD place to hide your stash, and utensils for smoking. When you are rolling your joint or loading your bowl always clean up while you are smoking, once you are high you often forget about something laying out or weed crumbs laying around. Basically keep your shit clean and organized. Some good hiding places are: Hollowed out books, camping backpacks, taped in a box to the bottom of the bed, etc. You know your room best so find the place your parent will absolutely not look. When you are done smoking pack up your shit, double check to make sure you have everything, and put it back in its home.

    Avoid smoking the house as much as possible. Go out for walks, find a nice place to smoke. Its not so bad. Fresh air is nice when you are high anyways. If your parent cannot catch you in the act it negates a large factor of getting in trouble. There are tons of excuses to go on a 15 minute walk, if you cannot get out of the house without saying something to your parent/guardian. Just make sure you are confident about what you say and dont act nervous.

    Smoking in your room makes things alot more complicated, but it is still very possible. First of all; know your parents schedule. When they come home from work, when they serve dinner (if thats the case in your family), and when they go to bed. Try to smoke when they are either away or snoozin. Turn off your lights when you smoke so if they walk by they think you are asleep. If you are super paranoid put a chair up against the door and if they try to come in act like you are jacking off and are really embarrassed/angry for your parents intrusion. Use a candle so you dont have to deal with the sound of the lighter, especially if its low on gas. If you dont have a candle play some soft music to cover the sound up. If you have a window smoke as close to the window as possible. At my house I would simply sit on my windowsill, which worked perfectly. However, if you have a window make sure other parts of the house cannot see it. Blow as much smoke out the window as possible, and after you are done inhaling put your finger or shirt over the bowl to stop it from smoldering. After you are done smoking leave your window open for about 20 minutes or so (depends on the size of your room), light a candle, spray some DO, whatever you have to do to get the smell out. If you do not have a window in your room you can put a sleeping bag over your torso and light up inside it. Hold your hits as long as you can so there is the least amount of smoke, and blow your smoke into the excess of the sleeping bag. Sit in there for a few minutes after you are done and wait for the bag to soak up, plus you get high off the smoke sitting in there. When you exit the bag do it carefully and seal it off as soon as you get out, then roll it up and stuff it in a cupboard or somewhere closed off from the rest of the room.

    Thats all I can think of for now. Safe flying brothers, peace.

    I did not look over this at all so excuse my grammer/spelling or repetitiveness. I am a stoner after all. Feel free to add to this list...
  2. Pretty good for your first post I must say :)
    I always laugh at people who get caught because they don't hide it good.

    Some of this is common sense but you have a lot of good points.
    PnP :smoke:
  3. I dig the sleeping bag idea lol been smokin for a longg time and have never heard that one.
  4. Great guide!!
  5. Its illegal to have a window-less room if someone lives in there. Just sayin, don't break the law because without it we would have pot smokers
  6. i just might be high ....but WHAT??

  7. Pot is an illegal addiction, that alters your mind and makes you do coke and heroin. Seriously, don't smoke pot, haven't you heard the news? Whatever you and your ignorant people are crazy... GO BUSH!
  8. Haha Milkman.

    Sleeping bag, god damn that thing will reak! And don't catch it on fire, that would be very bad.
  9. What are some excuses for going on walks?
  10. thenilsmeister, I feel you man. I wouldn't say that I'm paranoid but I always have all my shit covered and I do some of the things you wrote. If I had a choice between losing a toe and getting caught, I'd grit my teeth and take off a sock.
  11. haha, dude same as me. "goodbye toe!"

    and this post was great man, very similar to the way I smoke. Gotta keep my shit on the very very downlow but i still smoke inside.. maybe one day ill try the sleeping bad haha

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